
RR A la Travis McGee.

Hey all you crack pipers. You have obviously never raised a kid in the troubling 15 to 17 age bracket. This is money well spent to keep him/her in the driveway and out of the real crack house. NP.

That depends on where you live and if you all ready own a truck and trailer.

Forty, maybe forty five years ago we had just the tracks of a mini dozer. No engine, seat, cowling. Nothing but the tracks and the two levers for braking/steering. After getting suitably liquored up, we would tow that baby through the fields with what ever was available . Land skiing! It is a wonder we made it to


I would pull a chair up on this porch as the ever climbing price of its siblings can only draft these up. Nice investment price. Now I’m off to my G/A meeting.

As my sainted Mother would say, “You clean up nice.”

I am such a shallow, judgmental shit and should bask my head in shame.

I am what is politely called “Of a certain age”, so my votes are colored by price. Any unique registerable vehicle under 5 grand is going to be a nice price. I can’t even get a decent quad or a side by to gift the grand kids for that much scratch. Nice price.

Hey!!! Stop it. I make a fine living in custom case work. You would be amazed at the average customers capacity for short sightedness.

More then one kid, multiple trips. Get the farge up early.

More then one kid, multiple trips. Get the farge up early.

No, this is not any ole kit car. Do your self a favor and order their free brochure and DVD.

Dear Crack Pipers,

Absolutely. I went to the dealer with cash in hand after six months of anticipation. Then I sat in it. The visibility reminded me of standing in a refrigerator box with a 3”x 24” rectangle while playing fightin forts when I was 7 years old. Major disappointment.

1500 clams? Hell I have paid more for yard art. Nice price.

Makes that sonnet a much better deal. Seeing as we are spending your money Rob, six grand not a penny more.

I had the oppurtunity to drive and ride in one of these in 1976. It was nothing short of a blast because, college, rare, it only fit one woman at a time and it was yellow. For the nostalgia factor alone and large quarter jar money, nice damn price.

Hornswoggle. Gurnsey is a UK possession.

See! Join a union and the next thing you know you’re demanding time off. And who suffers? The reading proletariat that’s who. Just kidding. Proud member Carpenters Local XXX since 1976.