
I would agree with that

Not sure what that means but if you're implying severity and uniqueness are the same thing then I'm not sure I can have a real back and forth about it.

Oh no! I didn't mean that it's worse, I simply meant there's nothing exactly like it.

One more thing: there is no comparable violation and degradation of a human being to that of rape. It is violent and cruel and unspeakably sinister. What separates rape from every other violation is it's use of an act that is the physical embodiment of love, passion and care, and the warping I that act to fulfill

As someone who
1. did not read the books and
2. abhors rape
I did not see much difference between the screen version and what is presented in the book, perhaps aside from Jamie's anger/intensity. Neither scene seems to present Cersei as a person resisting in every imaginable way. I'm sorry to say it, because I can

More hated than Brad Lohaus?

Yeah Season 3 is where things really start humming

You should go back and watch previous seasons. AD has always been far funnier and more consistent than Family Guy, but it's reputation suffers from the comparison.

Just turned on CC and see there's a John Pinette special. He's always been a comic that I liked well enough to always at least half-watch anything with him, especially his stand-up, and always felt like I wanted to throw an arm over his shoulder and hang out with. I decided to look him up and see if I could send some

Great news! I've often wondered why the guys from RCG haven't had more success/recognition in other places, but who cares? Glad they will keep the funny coming

I don't know if it's my absolute favorite, but the intro/song for Three's Company has to be up there. The lyrics, the voice…it's all there.

I dunno…my 4-year old has a ton of Legos sets, and the Star Wars and Batman stuff is really intricate and cool. And whenever he likes he takes them apart, adds them to the general bin, and re-purposes them for his own creations.

Yeah I loved this movie. But then again, I'm never looking to see any sort of Fast and Furious stuff.

That DJ Kicks album is sick.

Yeah we don't have DVR. We don't watch enough TV to justify the expense.

Umm… You really willfully misinterpreted my comment there, huh? What happened, did Seth stiff you on a tip?

Thanks for the tip

Seth MacFarlane is a multimillionaire animation and vocal artist living out his wildest dreams, which now include producing this show.

This is why I wish that Cosmos aired at 7pm. My 4 year old son would LOVE this show and possibly influence him in a very deep way but it's on way past his bedtime

Off episode but still good. Loved Larry laying on his stomach a la 1992 Sideline Bird.