These are so good. They are frequent at my home.
These are so good. They are frequent at my home.
Were they cool? Saw we went the lazy-ass route of video over photos and I scrolled right to comments. Next post “Search 4x4 on Youtube and Make My Job Obsolete”.
I kinda feel this guy is a couple decades late to the table. But while we are on current events that offend us.... I will go on record as being offended by M.A.S.H. Clinger to be exact.
My guess is the turtles will play like Tri-borg, where all 4 characters are playable since that is EXACTLY what they did in MKXL... ETHAN.
Lone Wolf was the GTA of Mech Assaults. I fucking loved that game.
It’s “Flour Four Albatross”. It’s a handwritten recipe book.
But then Michael Bay couldn’t shoot his directorial masterpiece: Blackhawk Down 2: Zero Drone Thirty
That Bender and Hermes is a good one too. I cry.
My all-time favorite episode. I love when they crack the beers and give it another go’round after missing their stop. Absolutely beautiful ep.
But it isn’t July 11th 2018 yet, we dont know if it stays unlocked after that date arrives naturally. It could be most of the meat and the side of fries come later. Nintendo could have an event planned for that date.
I’m not sure if it is “unlocked” after that date? This could potentially become huge. Every year on July 11th people get together to play this game in memorial. Huge tournaments... that sorta thing.
As far as you know. You can always have two uniforms.
Is it mechs? Fingers crossed it’s mechs. On the real though, what’s the likelihood we downplay the capabilities of a system like THAADS so potential enemies are playing towards a “fake” goal or bringing their capabilities to a standard that would easily get smoked? I dunno wishful thinking I guess. I just think it…
Worst case scenario I hope/believe we have weapons the world doesn’t know about till we crash them in a Pakistani backyard or Ertl blows the cover.
I see what you did there.
“Or do they just like to troll the US at any opportunity?”
Wow. I made it 3/4 of the way through this article looking for the answers to a series of absurdly asinine questions: Why are we shooting down Amazon delivery drones w/ patriot missiles? Why is a delivery drone over an active war zone? Was this due to the delivery not meeting its projected time frame? Was the delivery…
What was this article about? When I clicked I assumed it was about the writing staff. On the same note as what the article should have been about, you sound jaded. Give in to your doubts, you are terrible at your job.
You can hear him yelling “No, no, NO! Nuh ugh.. I touched base!!”
The NEW Kinect 3.0. It faces the screen and captures the body movement of your avatar.