Kahn Script

Well he demonstrates the skills needed to present a power-point to a jury of his peers after he shoots up a school. This is a win for AMERICA!

I think it might have got an M61 A1 Vulcan round in it’s ass.

Unless they plan on making a move this half century sea levels will make their isles into “Atwantis”.

You think that’s bad, people get upset at me when I park in a handicap parking space.

Excellent article Shaun.

Hello troll, unless your broke ass is bumming wifi from your parents pretty sure that isn’t free.

Is there really no split screen co-op? I mean it’s not horrible because I have two Xbox Ones (the 2nd I purchased in antisipation of Halo 5 not being split scree) so it’s not horrible just bums me out if I won’t be sitting next to a friend or my gf killing baddies :(

Why would the pilot drop the missiles instead of blasting them into the side of a mountain?

I’m a TIE bomber fan myself.

No, Wendy’s Baconator is why everyone hates America.

I have not yet had any issues with my Xbox One. The only thing that ever is iffy is sometimes my Kinnect won’t recognize me till I’ve been sitting in front of it for a few minutes. When that is the case I just manually log in which takes a whole 5 seconds.

I was about to dl this game from the xbox store but didn’t just for the fact you can’t play as the Decepticons. I was waiting for a good reveiw before I pull the trigger. So playable baddies aside I think this is my next game.

Fahey, your article is a glitchy mess. So many typos I really don’t know if you are talking about 4 or 5... and what is a wo minute video? Can we just get back to Snacktaku?

Impossible dunk: Because it was just over 2 seconds of NBA gameplay with out a grown ass man crying foul.

If the 4 F-4s were only on refuel 4 out of 8 needed how did the other three make the rest of the trip with Ghost hogging the line?

Comments are not loading properly so I hope I’m not asking a question someone just asked. How did the other three Phantoms make the journey if they only had 4 out of 8 needed refuels and Ghost was on the boom the rest of the trip?

my first thought as well

BREAKING NEWS: Controversy surrounding millionaires and how they make their money, why you should be surprised.

I miss Morrowind. Cliffracers ambushing me with their stupid 3 wing design and giant sand fleas to get around. *sniff*

Limited? I remember at first it was limited but after a year or so I could put the most obscure O.G. Xbox titles in that loud espresso maker and it would play almost anything.