They use the term Xenomorph in Aliens. Xeno meaning alien and morph meaning, well I guess that is how you understand the word morph, is it the noun or a verb used to describe its characteristics.
They use the term Xenomorph in Aliens. Xeno meaning alien and morph meaning, well I guess that is how you understand the word morph, is it the noun or a verb used to describe its characteristics.
Best line in Aliens “or is this another bug hunt?” Meaning, our marines have run into other unpleasant creatures in space?
I will never pre-order from a store but I preorder content on my Xbox One all the time, never had any problems. Last pre-order: MKX no problems there. Before that, Evolve. Not one problem. However, back in the day I would pre-order at Best-Buy and they would give you the little card that looked like the cover... The…
Seems to be a lot of open realestate all around both those assclowns.
I knew silver coin didn’t sound right. It’s been a few years.
Those are fighting words... Gonna see me dance like a bloatfly and sting like a cazador.
I’ll take them, if you’ll be my currier, a silver coin perhaps?
That’s because Nuka Cola is overrated and Sunset Sarsaparilla is better.
You mean former artist. He killed himself shortly after.
I bet waterboarding would distill fear in you.
Nope its a little black USB stick about the size of an oldschool thumb drive. It’s for wireless.
Come to the dark side.
“When you’re the best there is at what you,” which in my case is pointing out the lack of “do” in the 2nd paragraph.
Nope, completely oblivious. I was born at the ripe age of 33 yrs old and so far it has been a perfect life. I don’t even understand the concept of depression, can’t wrap my mind around it. Tell me what it is all about please.
Well as an atheist I welcome you. Sad it takes tragedy to disrupt the blindness of belief.
While this is sad, are you confirming people are not responsible for their own actions? That’s an interesting thought. Are children not responsible for their own actions until they reach the age of 18 outside of context of the law? So if this girl was 17 years and 11 months old and “died by suicide” you are saying her…
Actually its pretty easy to understand what splatworthy meant. I will assume you are an idiot. Do I have to call CPS on behalf of your children for you being an idiot? This world doesn’t need more children growing up with poor examples set by their parents. There are enough stupid children out there with stupid…
New Vegas came out 7 years ago?
I’m coming to what now?
Like I mentioned before, if you play online you can clearly see where characters are at in development stages. And if you ask me “where?” I’m going to assume you are a troll. I get it, you want everything for one price and don’t believe in adding content to keep a game fresh for those who want more. NRS forces you to…