Kahn Script

Who? Is that the girl from those weird Hallmark greeting cards depicting a girl next to white tigers and deer n’ shit?

If you go to “Walkway of Lost Souls” (-17,10) in the Krypt you can buy Easy Grammar for 1250 koins. Not trying to be a grammar Nazi but your mess hurt my brain and face.

Yeah but the Shirai Ryu are only in the game long enough to help scorpion cut *Spoiler Alert* Quan Chi's head off where as the Lin Kuei have a more prodominate roll in the game... Even Black Dragon members get more screen time than the whole of Shirai Ryu.

This is really weird, on my game it shows White Lotus is kicking everyone's asses reaaally bad unless this has changed since yesterday.

I actually like these 1 button Fatalities... only I didn't buy any as they are pretty easy to earn and/or find in the Krypt. My gf who is pretty badass using Melina used the 1 Buttons till she got all of the Fatalities down. I like that I can quickly hold RT and Y then get up to grab another drink after murdering

Yeah it's pretty clear that these will probably be DLC as I have played through story mode and this was the first thing I thought of while playing them. Only I'm not an entitled little bitch so I didn't complain, I thought to myself, Ohh I hope I can BUY these guys soon. Hey when Mortal Kombat came out in the early

I’ve seen when you square off with two of the same character the banter is something like “I can not be fooled by these mind games”. In the original the “mirror match” was supposed to pit a character against an illusion of themselves... I’m sure it could be said these are “illusions” of their offspring.

Indeed it does.

Oh that is all it is? Wow now people really sound petty complaining about this shit. I thought MK was withholding Fatalities.

Only question: How do you have the ability to use the internet but you lack the sense to Google questions?

Actually Mortal Kombat 4 on Nintendo 64 had one button Fatalities after entering the cheat code.

I would have bought an easy mode for Ninja Gaiden.

Actually it isn’t limited use, it unlocks 30 separate Fatalities that are of easier button combinations. 1 per character. You look cute on that band wagon though.

I don’t cry because I can’t afford a race boat for the Volvo Ocean Race. Games are always pay to play, if you can’t afford it change games. Maybe you would be better off picking up an NES or Genesis... Those games don’t have micro-transactions. Enjoy.

Pretty sure Xbox One has this same feature. I download digital games all the time and when they are about 10%-15% done it chimes and says “ready to play” so I can dick around with the game while it dl’s the rest. Is this a different feature?

In other news, I have an Xbox One and Mortal Kombat X works just fine. However, I live in the real world and I can’t play mine till I get off work. Where is the forum where I get to complain about this? Fucking Steam.

Yes, and then Deus Ex Gorilla Fractions which will be a complete rip-off of Red Faction: Guerrilla (the first half of it anyway).

Prepare to qualify.

Human Division sounds better.

You only have to worry about cop cars similar to this if you are user name ladiesman217.