Kahn Script

And the only advantage Sony had has crumbled... I'm pretty sure this was a marketing strategy. They changed that in a couple weeks? Riiiight! Go team XBOX!!!

I am already getting one anyways, now I just don't have to pay my ISP bill on time....!

Why does Kotaku seem to be on team Sony the same way Gizmodo seems to be on team Apple? Are you guys just waiting for November to let Sony know you have to let them down slowly to keep them from stalking you, and facebooking Xbox One behind your back when Microsoft becomes the new Apple of your eye?

Let me slip out from under the bridge real quick like and ask a simple question. Why? All I read in the comments is negative dribble about how everyone is all sad they have to be online. And whoever made the MMO example... Really? You can't even play your game without connection so quit crying over a few seconds a day

I'm excited for Xbox One. The games look amazing. Over the years I have owned both Sony and MS gaming systems. I ditched the slow load times of my PS One for N64, ditched the slow games and slow load times of my PS2 for an Xbox, And traded in my PS3 (with slow gameplay and b-grade games) when I used my 360 nonstop and

It will be business as usual when 89% of the "I won't buy one" crowd owns ONE this time next year. I laugh at you.

Xbox hasn't let me down in the past. I trust I'll be picking up a sick ass system w/ incredible, mind blowing games later this year.

Were the Xbox fanboys like this on the day of the PS4 reveal? This is why I stopped visiting Gizmodo. I used to enjoy that site, until the Apple and Android fanboys became more prevalent than the actual site. At least I still have io9, DC and Marvel fanboys are a lot less obnoxious. But, I guess I'd be upset too if I

Nintendo hasn't lived up to it's name since 64.

At the end of the day the name doesn't mean a damn thing. I dumped my slow ass ps1 for a Dreamcast, dumped my slow ass ps2 for an Xbox, dumped my slow ass ps3 for a 360... and now I won't make the mistake of buying a Sony before a superior product. Xbox could call it the shitCan4.1 with blinking lights n shit... and

May 21, 2013... Microsoft reveals the new Xbox One, described as a new bridge for Playstation fanboys to troll under. The new snap feature allows PS4 users to have discussion groups during load screens while simultaneously letting Xbox users play next gen games.


At the same time I'm sure their marketing team already thought of this conversation and that's why they chose numeral uno. Xbox 3 sounds inferior to PS4. The logical step would to understand consumers would talk about this, put a "one" after it and it is no longer in the same ring as the number 4. i.e. the first to

I'm excited for this. The original may have weighed a ton, but it was faster than ps2, the first couple versions of 360 may have been noisy, but faster than ps3. I personally like playing the games instead of waiting on load screens. So once again I'll be skipping Sony for Xbox. Not trolling... just my personal