
A star for anyone who knows what em dashes are and how to use them.

Meh, The Doctor married a queen. She dated an android. It's clear they had kind of an open relationship.

I always really loved Susan Cooper's use the of the Arthurian legends in her "The Dark is Rising" books. (Too bad the movie adaptation sucked; they have such great potential for awesomeness.) The Arthurian legends really function more as a prequel to the books, as they take place in modern times and don't feature

Roger Zelazny used to joke about how he was considered an "overnight success," when in reality he'd been sending stories out for 20 years and was getting rejected. Then his breakthrough came.

As a proper io9 citizen, we have to reference Firefly in this one. The one where Captain Mal is naked in the opening sequence... naked Nathan...

Wait, there's confusion over this? Riddick, while having a very dramatic and easy to follow character arc, is in no way the protagonist of the film. Who even thinks this? Do we need to write a Richard Scarry version of Pitch Black so that you can hope to follow the already extremely simple plot?

So Riddick is the Jack Sparrow of Pitch Black?

Wait, someone really thought that Carolyn Fry wasn't the protagonist...? Riddick may have been become the Ensemble Dark Horse of the movie, but he was the sidekick. Okay, maybe not the sidekick, but a noble demon with common interests. In the Alien franchise, he would have been a Predator.

South Australia is still under the Queen and the language was retained.

When I was a child all the mail I received from adult relatives would be addressed "Master" just as letters to adults were addressed "Mr." or "Mrs." and when we would send mail to my cousins we would address them as "Master" as well. Nobody would ever say it out loud, but it was considered the proper formal written

I was admitted to a hospital in the mid 2000's where there worked this one British nurse named Michael (Who looked vaguely like Michael Caine, now that I think back.) who addressed all of us as "Master (Given Name)." He was sly, graceful, proper, and had the most gentlemanly disposition that made me think "Alfred"

Before I was a teenager, I would get letters (yes, this was a long time ago) addressed to "Master <my name>" from relatives in Canada. That was in the late '60s...the fact that these letters came from Canada led me to think of the term as a bit of a Britishism...

Yeah, as I understand it, these days it's just a handy way to convey male youth, though curiously, I can't think of a female equivalent since "Miss" doesn't really cut it, particularly if your name is Havisham.

The real Master Luke would like a word with your son.

As a former lover of the show, I find myself deeply ambivalent about this.


That was disgusting - she put her cigarette out in her bath tub.