
Yeah, I don’t think she is actually trying to put down women that do like to “look pretty” all the time. She’s saying this in response to being called “huge” and “enormous” by men which equates to “unfuckable”. Her job isn’t to be fuckable. Her job is to fuck people up!

Well I figure most people only get one eye poked out. I was trying to think of a clever conversations around that, but I couldn’t think of anything at the time.

Does it not have more to do with the amount of air you’re passing over the vocal cords? Like when you whisper, you’re not using as much air, but when you shout or scream you use more air. So then this would be barely using enough air to operate the vocal cords but too little for them to fully function. This then

*On the phone*

Is one of those reasons that she couldn’t draw a proper block-letter H. Because that’s kinda high on my list ...

Nothing if you actually work in them.

Ugh, I feel you, to an extent. I imagine you get this shit more than I do, as I am white and I get half a pass. But I’m still a woman and when I tell people where I work, they ask if it’s in Marketing or Sales.

That reception looks a lot like Bill and Fleur’s reception in Deathly Hallow Part 1 ...

Most hunters don’t share his views on hunting. He’s not a hunter. He’s a fucking scumbag.

My husband pronounces it “Ass-Part-Ah-Mee,” (sounds like “ass part of me”) because he’s a chemical engineer and thinks he’s funny.

I can’t wait for the day when we don’t have to praise or be all overly excited for the first woman doing anything. Alas, I will most likely be dead by that point, given human history.

Everyone else outside of EP is fucking livid.

First, how do you know they didn’t and second, if they did, do you imagine he would have listened?

... from Eden Prairie, Minn.

I love English phrases like that. Nobody says shit like “jog on” in America.

Jesus H. Tap Dancin’ Christ, that guy needs to calm the fuck down.

There are plenty of teenage actors. But some studios claim that child actors are difficult to work with for various reasons, like their narrow schedule (can’t work them 20 hours on set like you can an adult), working around their education, maturity level, possible inability to stay on task, not getting the

Rachel McAdams was 26 when she filmed Mean Girls and was portraying a high school teen. Amy Poehler is about 7 years older than her and played her mother.

It’s definitely a problem for guys, too. Many men that portray high school boys in t.v. shows and movies are really in their late 20s. And their mothers are portrayed by actresses that are the same age.