Yeah, I’m no better. With makeup, some people think I’m in my early 20s. Most guess 18.
Yeah, I’m no better. With makeup, some people think I’m in my early 20s. Most guess 18.
Without makeup and hair perfectly coiffed and in regular clothes, I can I also pass for 12 at the age of 28. We hardly see women in their 20s without those things. I’m guessing it’s a problem with our media and entertainment. Most teenage and 20 something characters are played by much older people (some pushing or in…
Mr. Kahlan once offered to pay off my student debt because it was only about 15k at the time. This came up during a discussion of saving and investing. I decided to start paying about 4 times over the minimum in an effort to pay it off sooner. It’s working out okay, I’m kind of tight on money, not saving much, but he…
Mr. Kahlan and I do the same thing with our finances. Paychecks go into our personal accounts and each month we put an equal amount into the joint account to pay for every “joint” bill, like mortgage, utilities, phones, and even groceries. Then I pay my student loans and car note out of my personal account. He has…
I had to do the same thing in May when I received a great job offer and my current employer couldn’t even provide a counter offer. That was the last straw. I was willing to hear a counter offer but he couldn’t even do that for me (when he’d countered last February with a six figure salary to one of my co-workers who,…
There is little in the world that is more skin-tingling than a chord that resolves.
Well when it’s 65 inside the building where the AC is cranked due to the ridiculous heat outside, I’d be uncomfortable too.
68-70 sounds perfectly normal. But most offices I’ve worked in keep it at 65, and surprisingly, 3 degrees makes a huge fucking difference.
I have experienced both situations on airplanes and I’m not sure why. Sometimes they’re ridiculously warm, sometimes they’re iceboxes. I don’t get it.
For everyone bitching about working in a 77 degree office ...
So I tried this and they suck. They get nominally warm and if you’re at the keyboard all day, you have to have your fingers out. Thus, fingers are still cold.
77 does sound awful. 65 sounds just as fucking bad.
I seem to miss out on weekend postings (all day Friday through Sunday) quite frequently. Now I’m not surprised I missed this.
... which Gawker story? I completely missed this.
I was hoping that that fact had maybe become only partially true in recent decades. Apparently not. :(
You. I like you. I had a similar thought of, “Then what the fuck am I going to put in my damn cheerios?”
In fact, only two percent of their alleged almond milk is actually almonds. Two percent. The rest is calcium carbonate, tapioca starch, sea salt, bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.
A survey of Harvard Business School alumni, released as part of the school’s new gender initiative, found that 37 percent of millennial women and 42 percent of those already married planned to interrupt their career for family.
None of what he said makes sense. At all. And I can’t contribute anything meaningful besides that.
Out of curiosity, do you know what got you banned? Because to this day, I cannot figure out how my original account got banned either. :(