
You and me both.

I know nothing about her nor have read anything else about her. Which makes me find this even more strange. She’s so insistent about how awesome this father is and I’m just ... not seeing it. Everything she says has a weirdly personal vibe to it that it made my eyebrows merge with my hair line when I read the

The transcripts do read like an unpolished script to a horrible Shirley Temple movie.

Yes! I remember thinking that ... also I remember thinking that the tiny, skin-tone swimming trunks the men were wearing really threw me for a few seconds. I thought they were naked at first ...

I watched Gentlemen Prefer Blondes recently and loved it. Jane Russell’s snark is the best.

Not to mention the father was on supervised visitation with the kids. You don’t get put on supervised visitation with your kids for being a great father like the judge insists he is.

Yassss! I loved MadTV. And I was about the same age when I started watching it, too.

Clarification: I am now finding that even though some articles are stating that the father can get them out of juvie, that is not true. Ronn Torossian, the father’s spokesperson, has stated that the father cannot get the kids out of juvie.

I don’t think anyone is siding with the mom. They’re pissed at this awful judge for punishing the kids. Kids are a non-party during divorce proceedings. What she is doing is wrong.

I almost started crying when the 15 year old said the following: “I thought there were like rules when — rules for like not, you know, not hitting someone, why am I going to the —”. And she just kept cutting him off.

I read the whole damn thing and it made me want to barf. ALL of the adults involved are manipulative pieces of shit, including their parents. Take a job in Israel and just uproot the whole fucking family and take them half way across the world to an environment with which the kids are completely unfamiliar? I mean, I

I’m completely okay with Steven Tyler’s gig and this song. Also, lady guitarist and lady drummer? Rock the fuck on. Country rock is fine, so I’m okay with it. I also have a soft spot for Steven Tyler’s voice, I don’t know why.


I love everything about these first three outfits. The ethereal feel, the color pallet. Were I tall and thin, I’d rock these looks. Alas, I am short and short-torso (no leg to balance out the short waist) so I doubt anything like these would look that great on me.

Curse of the Mummy’s Tomb or GTFO.

What’s disappointing about that image is there’s no damn mummy.

That’s what should happen. Employee refuses to do job. Employer fires them. How has she not been fired?

Exactly. I tend to remember ridiculous little things about big events like that, but not *once* have I remembered the slipcovers for chairs. I also didn’t know they existed until I had started planning my own wedding.

At least it worked out. Good on you for standing up for yourself. :)

Glad I could help. I found this out a few months ago when a friend moved from Minnesota to San Francisco, but was desperately missing his favorite beer. Nothing out there is comparable to much here. So he has a friend ship out a couple cases at a time and he pays the friend through PayPal.