
Good news is, you don’t have to get slipcovers for folding chairs. And if people aren’t paying for stuff, they shouldn’t be telling you what to do.

Where does this “no ketchup on brats” thing come from? I was born and raised in Wisconsin and only recently I learned of this (haven’t lived there in nearly a decade).

This was one of the first bits of Lewis Black’s that I’d ever heard. As a Wisconsinite, I was immediately hooked and he’s easily my favorite comedian ever.

The two hour round trip to Hudson just for beer is totally worth it. (Really, I should just plan my weekend better but, fuck that noise).

FedEx has no problem shipping beer. Have a friend buy it and ship it to you.

I’m not sure. However, the winning purse for the Women’s World Cup was $25,000. The men’s team got $100,000 for losing in the round of 16. These purses are funded by FIFA dues and by trust funds. The revenue of either team isn’t a factor here.

But ... but ... Lincoln was an asshole! He killed half a million people and set the Southern economy back 100 years with awful tariffs and trade embargoes!

What pisses me off about that statement is that it is a straight-up lie.

22 Jump Street.

It is my duty to post this whenever I see Channing Tatum on jez:

As I said in response to the Jensen Ackles image above ...


There is not one decent photo in that entire set. Ugh. Shitty over exposure, awful environment colors, and really bad poses.

Or putting other people’s children at risk. They give 0 fucks about everyone else around them except for their precious little snowflake spawn. And yet they refuse to protect and everyone else they may come into contact with because Autism for these people is a fucking death sentence. smgdh.

Where’s Cassiebear?!

I mean sure if you want to treat it like a zero-sum fucking math problem. What a twat, human rights are not a got damn equation!

The funny part is that they are completely oblivious to the fact that men used to do all of that shit until women started doing it too and then it became totes uncool so men stopped.

is it bad that I love her? she is my spirit animal if another human could be considered such.

Methinks her thighs aren’t *that* big at all. Or she’s bow legged af.

There are definitely colleges that have women’s hockey and have collegiate level tournaments. There is NCAA level Women’s hockey and it is pretty popular among college hockey fans. However, none of that actually disproves your point about financial support of different teams. You’re quite correct there.