
This further my cynicism of politicians and their party affiliations. I really don’t think many of them give a rat’s ass about the public or society in general. They’re in positions of power, influence, and wealth. So they do whatever it takes to stay there. Whether they’re Democrat or Republican, it makes no

Being around more people on the beach and on the lake on boats has really made me realize that being whatever size I am is awesome. Nobody cares and everyone is different. I’m still kinda tough on myself as short-stacked size 8, but most days are good days. The bad days are few and far between. Every year gets easier.

Um. I like you. A lot. You’re the best and I am happy you’re happy. :D

I didn’t know this was a gif and I’m glad it is. I thought, WAIT THIS IS A GIF OF FLOR ... OH.

Oh I definitely shared over there, too. :)

Daw, that made me laugh, thanks. :)

Moments after you get engaged, you’re whisked away to a foreign, barren planet, left to survive and build a wedding with nothing but your bare hands, the Internet, and occasional drop-in visits from your fiancé, who bloop-bloops in on a little flying saucer and is like, “I suggest we have cakkkkeeeeee!!!” and then

In another life, I would have been a music teacher. You’re welcome. :)

I totally get his stance. If she was smashed repeatedly while performing, that is just really shitty work ethic.

One succinct image?

The salon I go to charges between $30-60 for a gel polish manicure and $40-67 for a pedicure; the range is based on the experience and expertise of the nail tech. The two women I usually see are on the upper end of those ranges for their rates. I always tip them out individually at least 20%. That and I vote for


Blow Out features a very common and oft used drum beat called the “Amen Break”. It’s sampled a ton and super diverse in how it can be used. To learn more, listen here:

I don’t think I have any really awesome good stories about my mom. She kind of ... wasn’t that great.

I don’t know if my mother was actually toxic or a “bad” mother. I have very few distinct memories of my child hood and at the moment, I can only remember one that involves her and it’s a very pleasant one.

If I stop talking for two minutes, my stylist will start asking questions about how life has been. Been seeing the same woman for 7 years now so seems normal.

The whole production is awesome. Loved it.

A present for you:

That’s why it’s funny?

Don’t give up and good luck to you, too. :)