
As a short person with a short waist and about a 30DDD bust, I never seem to find a maxi dress that doesn't make me look all sorts of disproportionate. Is it the empire waist? Even the lower waists tend to cause my stomach to pop out like I'm pregnant even though I'm not.

Here's to looking like you're 16 when you're really 30!

Yeahno, I look like a boy with short hair; I have a very boyish face/body and don't identify as a boy so I don't need people looking at me that way, I've got enough self-esteem issues as it is.

High-five on the electric purple club! (Haven't gone full head of purple yet, rocking an ombre at this point).

Cut after color, especially if bleach is involved. It will get rid of the damaged ends. And you can do them on the same day, or separate days. Doesn't matter.

I have no idea how to keep my super thick frizzy Italian fro looking nice when it's short. I'd have to straighten it all the time otherwise it just poofs out like crazy. And I've been doing all the curly girl tricks for years. Nothing tames this mop when it's short. I keep it super long so the weight keeps it from

I’ve been asking for a promotion for a year, now. When I first started asking for one, my boss said he needed to see more results from me. But he was able to get a different guy a promotion that has the same experience as me and only a bachelors over my associates degree and had only been there 6 months longer than I

"I look in the mirror and it's hard for me. I am really thin. I want to look fit and beautiful and sexy, and I can't."

I agree and when I found this no-sex-rule out of the blue, I was seriously stunned by it. I mean, I never even got the dreaded "talk" about sex while growing up. I was taught what it was at school, very matter-of-fact like with no BS about it. We were taught about all forms of contraception, including abstinence, and

Nothing actually went wrong day-of, but I had a really horrible time finding a bra to wear with my dress.

He was a virgin until 29 when he had sex with his wife.

"When people sing from the hymn book of abstinence, they want people to do what [Spitzer] did," Dutton added. "It might not be realistic, and we can't put our heads in the sand and believe that."

And the average lifespan was ~50 years so procreating as a teenager was the norm. But you'd think that now, with our advanced society which has better health care and technology that has extended our lifespans, our morals would also evolve.

Blasphemy! Jesus doesn't believe in condoms! Start making babies right away, you're married now!

I don't get it either and I never have. When I learned that my parents were totally against me having sex as a 17 year old (because they never talked about it with me before, but thankfully I had proper sex ed in school) I couldn't understand it. My brain could not wrap around being with someone but not knowing if the

Is it sad that the first example that came to mind was our nation's education system?

You had Minnesota written all over your relocation until you said "not completely shitty climate".

That shiba is saying

No, by passing more laws that are overly involved in people's personal lives. Duh.

This made me laugh/choke on my coffee. Well done.