I hope GenCon goes back to Milwau ...
I hope GenCon goes back to Milwau ...
The bill really should have been called the Christian Freedom Restoration Act because you know sure as hell nobody else will be allowed to get away with refusing service to anybody for any reason if they're not Christian.
The great (read: shittiest) part about this is that when a man gets into a field dominated by women (e.g. nursing), they get paid more.
Fathers are actually likely to make more money because they have kids:
They learn everything the hard way.
My childhood in a fucking nutshell right there.
Your name is the best.
"... a country that thinks it can try a case an unlimited amount of times until they finally get
it right.the conviction they want."
I get UTIs easily, so no creeping in between my labia is a necessity. That seam tends to wedge in there too easily. Definitely a different-bodies deal.
I never knew thongs could be so comfortable until I bought a Hanky Panky thong. THE BEST. BUT SO EXPENSIVE.
Yeah, I'm going to just start saying that it doesn't matter what I make now, I have this expectation based on my skill set. Because I have a feeling that's part of the issue. And I have walked away from a few positions recently that would have paid me $5k less than I want, which is marginally more than I make now. …
Couple things, just speaking personally here:
I'm convinced aliens have contemplated visiting us but ultimately decide not to come here because of shit like "marriage is between a man and a woman" and "life begins at conception". They cannot wrap their highly intelligent alien brains around this level of stupid.
I am so very looking forward to this movie. No shame at all. I love Ari, Lloyd, and Johnny Drama.
I have been getting nothing but flack from prospective employers and recruiters when I tell them how much I make now and how much I'd like to be making. I've tried different amounts to see if I'm really asking for far too much than I'm worth and doesn't matter. Even a 10% increase in my salary is making people give me…
Anecdotal, I know, but this is all I have to add ...
The first time a random dude tried getting my number, I was 20. I had no clue what the fuck to do, this jackass just sat down at my table in a restaurant, I was eating by myself and reading a motherfucking book.
I'm almost positive there is some shit that we all do that we just ... have no clue we do.
/Thumbs up on closing shit all the way.