I'd wear the shit out of a bold red lipstick called Undie Rage Red ...
I'd wear the shit out of a bold red lipstick called Undie Rage Red ...
Rep. Warren Groen sounds like he'd get along splendidly with that fuckface, MacDonald, who killed a guy's pet falcon because it attacked a duck.
Nope, all they want is SMALL GUBBERMENT. Except for when it comes to your uterus, now that we want to regulate to high hell.
I was fairly sure that you couldn't say "shit" on national t.v. so I was pretty confused when that complain said she was singing an unedited version of the song.
... got damn, that's just fucked up. I stand correct.
I'm not defending her actions at all; this woman is stupid.
Not defending her actions at all, but I'm betting she didn't intend to kill the falcon. But she did because she's an idiot. Some people just don't like to think about how nature works so when they actually witness a predator animal killing a prey animal, they freak out.
This is a great lesson in the "circle of life" for this dip shit person that killed Hornet. Falcons kill other animals out of instinct, pet or no. They are a predator bird and that's just how nature works (as stated in the article). Some humans refuse to think about this and want to save all the cute, precious prey…
You are not alone.
"... because everyone and their grandma knows 15 and 6 is 23! Duh!"
No, he works for the state health department (it's a wonderful job, doesn't pay much, but the benefits are fantastic and his hours are a set 40 hours, no OT). He might come home annoyed once in a while but rarely is he ever stressed about the job.
No, I don't get everything done on his timetable. And that irritates him. I'm a human being with my own schedule that doesn't match his, thus, I'm not going to get shit done around the house when he would like them done. But it all still gets done every week. We usually work together quite well, but every once in…
My husband hates me because I've asked that he not command me to do shit. Fo realz, he says shit like, "You need to do this," where this is typically some normal adult responsibility or household chore.
My husband was convinced it was water and used that as one of the myriad of excuses as to why he couldn't clean up after himself. I told him they were excuses and promptly ignored him when he got angry at that.
I have a co-worker (guy) who insists that sitting down to pee is so much cleaner; he didn't realize this until he was potty training his first kid. I don't understand how he made it to 33 years old without cleaning a toilet (or realizing that all the pee stains he was cleaning were from him if he did clean his…
I JUST FINALLY got my husband to use a swatch of TP to wipe pee dribble because:
If I'm in the bathroom (a place where do not keep tissue) I will use the toilet paper that's on the roll.
"C'mon now, I'm not made of glass. KICK THE BAG!" - me in Tae Kwon Do class when I hold body shields for the teenage boys.
My mom said something similar about the pill (which is patently false, but she didn't care enough to do actual research). My response: