
Did they ever find the stolen computer’s original owner?

Was he listening to a Patton Oswalt album the night that he died?

This is slightly untrue - as someone recently graduated in the medical field in a relatively more rural area, we are taught the differential diagnostic methods for men and women. Sometimes there are some actual differences between the genders.

I’ve had 19 year old patients with strokes and full blown aphasias, apraxias and dysarthrias. It happens, idiopathic pediatric strokes aren’t common but they do happen.

Wait, a comedian talking about the DMV or the Post Office? Wow, someone get on the phone quick and let them know that airplane food is gross!

I guarantee you that no-one would be saying, “God damn that Dane Cook, he’s so cold/selfish for not publicly tweeting his thoughts on Patton Oswalt’s wife’s death.”

Jesus Christ, the one with the red hair is like 70% shiny forehead, 20% big nose and 10% cringey/annoying voice. Weird.

Eternal Sonata and the Katamari series have the most hours over here. Secret of Mana and then a variety of digital implementations of board games would follow. Thousands of hours between them all!

Absolutely agree with you here! Still have it on there and still play it!

There absolutely is!

Bobby was just quoting the speaker, who used ‘pussy’. As for Lady, we don’t write ‘mud-y’ jeans for jeans full of mud, we write ‘muddy’. Standard American orthography would dictate the similar for ‘pus/pussy’.

Total long shot here, but are there any other ‘Everyday Angels’ here, from the Jewel-list, mid-90s (smoe.org)? She had a such a rabid fanbase, even just from her Interchange/Steve Poltz days (before her record even) that she held a two-day show in NY called Jewelstock, and invited us all up there. It was pretty insane

you and me both, brother!