
As a huge fan of platformers “runners” are my least favorite things mobile gaming created. I was almost excited too lol.

Gotta write articles about something I guess. I would have preferred a more positive showing of the new movie. I am glad its getting press and I hope its so good people feel bad hating on it so much for wanting to emulate something great.

Agreed 100%

I feel the exact opposite. I wish people spent as much time trying to convert first person games to third person.

I bought a Wii U to play this game due to my love of the first one. This is an example of taking a great game and destroying it to add multiplayer. This is my biggest disappointment since FF12. All I want is a good story and enjoyable characters. This is a horrible attempt to make a silent protagonist in a world that

I don’t participate but I think we should do away with all currency entirely so to that end I am pro piracy.

If the story is good I’ll take it. The story of 12 was trash and 13 was complete garbage with even less explanation. All they have to do is create a story that is immersive and enjoyable and I will pretty much ignore any other gameplay blunders.

The Witcher 3 followed closely by Skyrim.

Does it wipe you ass or spin gold? Can it turn into a motorcycle you can ride? Is it full of Bond like gadgets? No?

I have yet to buy a single season pass or even dlc for a game. I still have not bought the witcher 3 DLC and I think its the only real DLC worth buying. I will eventually pick it up via a steam sale or do what I do and hope it gets added years later giving me a fun reason to revisit old games I loved.

Nothing is true.

RIP video games.

I dunno... looks more like overwatch to me...

I picked up Sonic Boom for the Wii U last month in a bargain bin for 10 bux. I waited for all the patches to install and all the bug fixes to be in place and then I loaded up the game.

It’s time for ESO to bump FF14 off this list.

Sonic Boom for the WiiU. I have already broken down and spent my 50 dollar budget for steam games this sale. Though watching Mario Marathon has got me in the mood for a platformer. The patches have basically removed all the bugs from when it launched so I am enjoying it.

Rise >>>>>>! Doom

I’m sad they kept the stamina meter but I understand why. But seriously item durability is my least favorite thing. I remember when Zelda did not have either of those and I don’t see adding them as moving forward.

The music in the trailer alone was enough to let me know this game is just not for me. I guess have fun people who enjoy the equivalent of the sounds of chain saws jammed into the sides of their heads.

This game is the biggest let down of sony’s E3 to me. followed closely by crash joining skylanders.