
I generally ignore FPSs, because the only big name first person games that don't make me suffer migraines for several hours are the Halo games.

If you don't modify the way you walk/run to a barefoot technique (more toe strike, less heel strike), yeah, you're going to hurt yourself.

Or, he wants you to suffer even longer, struggling with your crippling self-hatred :]

Is there an actual game as described by Justice Alito, where you have the feeling of blood on your face, see skulls splitting, feel the thud of the axe, and what not?

Yeah, it's probably unlikely we'll have or ever want exact clones in real life, but we're talking sci-fi here.

Nah, Sixth Day has Arnold's character working with his clone or just not knowing about him most of the time.

The movie feels short at around 90 minutes. I guess I expected more to happen, but they take their time with things and neither the plot nor the relationships get particularly deep compared to the few other Ghibli movies I've seen (which were directed by Miyazaki).

For those who feel the double standard between nudity/sexual content and violence is dumb: remember, there are two ways to balance it.

Yeah, I was thinking they'd call the Son component something else..but of course, that would translate to the same being of Christ anway. Duh, my bad.

I read a somewhat similar Christian theory on aliens in a relatively recent apologist book.

Heh, I never faced myself or any other Brawl Zelda user (my brother favors Olivar), but most of my friends/acquaintances get caught by it at least sometimes. They're used to using air avoidance to get around the normal horizontal projectile spam...so Din's Fire screws with them pretty handily as it's so effective in

A few characters have really good projectile spam.

Yeah, they're definitely not the most pro-competition balanced games (especially with some character balance issues and some dumb design decisions in Brawl).

Smash is just a button masher?

Breath of Fire III is that good? I guess I should go and give it a try...I couldn't get back into it way back in high school.

The unique movesets (and their methods of input) also helped make all of them feel even more distinct and badass...I wish they'd kept some of that in later FFs, or heck, that someone else had ripped off the same idea.

Yeah, the 3DS and Wii U are now WAY in my backlog. I'll buy them second hand when Smash Bros comes out on them, maybe.

Guess I'll start buying all my Nintendo stuff second hand instead of new...

Catering to casuals, or what WoW players consider casual-ization (based on my time in WoW and its forums a few years back...wow, it was a few years back..):

Hmm...yeah, never thought of GW2 as particularly casual.