
Unlike the 3DS, they're lining up multi-plat games for the Wii U, so it should be better stocked in the early months.

Obviously, not the cheapest combo, but I already have a PS3 and like the way the PS Vita looks in terms of planned hardware/software, so I'll likely have both for reasons outside of that possible connectivity.

Watching the new Tomb Raider trailer made me think the same thing. Lara's many grunts, moans, and labored breathing sound way too much like porn.

Whew, I was getting worried for all those games that are stuck in the translation process when these new systems are coming out.

Heh, Kirby is pretty awesome. Too bad he hasn't recovered from his Melee nerf : [

Yeah...a lot of Nintendo series don't seem like they'd benefit that much from a crazy graphics boost, because they're mostly cartoony, but they could at least try a little hard than this.

Haha, no, I'm not that good/masochistic. I stick with one-on-one.

I concur.

Oh, I guess technically it could be digital with discrete directional "steps", but it's more variable than a d-pad.

Yeah...but this article doesn't say anything, and io9 writers have said not to spoil things in Doctor Who posts. It's not difficult and it's polite.

Careful with spoilers, people!!

Careful with the spoilers...

SPOILERS (you may want to tag your post as such)

Could be a "childhood friend who turns out to be a Princess (namely, Zelda), who gets captured by baddies who took over the kingdom".

That might be his point: if it took that long not worrying about graphics, adding in graphics will only take the same or longer amounts of time, which would still be 2013 at this point.

Have you played a 3DS? Because playing PilotWings, I specifically tried slight motions and gradual turns versus full turns: there's a difference.

The other best selling thing that size is the iPad 2...that'd probably be my own point of comparison.

If I don't have a 3DS and Wii U before this is released, I will have both once it is.

It's a fighting game: you fight.

I play a lot of Smash, to be fair, but the AI isn't that crazy.