
Nah, he's just supernaturally obsessed with her (perfect caretaker then childhood uncle then boyfriend or OH GOD make the idealized horrifying BS STOP!), and since she'll age to "17 biologically" in less than 10 years.

That was pretty funny, and they definitely do get at the creepiness at the center of Twilight.

Yeah...throw in some werewolf/rapid-aging-justified pedophilia on top of horrible role modeling, and it's tough to beat Twilight in wrongness, even with all the rape, nonconsensual sex, weird incest, and xenophilia on this list.

PSP to PSV. Okay.

You are correct, sir. I obviously didn't know that :[

Guns mixed with swords, then bazookas mixed with ridiculously big swords?

There are one-handed scythes in Asia, and dual-wielding scythe techniques in several martial arts:

Depends, though; aren't some Romero zombies actually supernatural, and not virus/bacteria induced?

Eurogamer's preview had some videos showing off some of this stuff; kinda trailery, but I'm not sure.

I think I just got an aneurysm imagining the Daleks speaking your comment.

I wouldn't mind the Daleks half as much if they didn't sound so painfully annoying.

Yeah...and her face barely changes expression in the vids I've seen, even when she's saying how she's going to kill everything. Zerg botox job, I guess.

Heh, expected as much. It's amusing to me, but I know I have what most would consider rather immature/silly tastes and a surfeit of time to waste at the moment.

Eh, to be fair, most believers in the existence of god(s) also tend to believe this god(s) has said something, and that something is usually "WORSHIP ME, OR ELSE!"

Good to know, thanks guys.

Have you watched any of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars CG cartoons?

Is there a big carry-over of plot/items from Witcher 1, or can you jump into this without feeling like plot stuff you couldn't choose is screwing you over, a la Mass Effect 2?

His daughter (Jenny..?) from the tenth Doctor!

The difference is Kojima has made some other great games in rather different genres, and it seems like he's getting mired in MGS. So people who are fans of his new game ideas in general would rather he branch out.

Eh, if you're a dual/multi language speaker, sometimes you do.