
I tend to either be apathetic (if they go okay) or hate them (if the character is too slow, gets killed too easily, is too fast for me to follow when trying to heal up, etc).

I don't think it's that complicated: America is where Hollywood is and where lots of English writers are, and they tend to cater to Americans.

The DS has been hacked with flashcards that can run GBA games on pure emulation (aka not through the GBA slot or through GBA slot flash-cards), so yeah, the 3DS can definitely do it if the old DS's can.

Wolverine's arms are gigantic. Look how much longer they are than Cyclops'. He's practically touching his kneecaps, not even bending at the waist or with his arms against his sides.

Are you really blaming IT* people for bad programs? They don't develop the crap, usually, it's the OS designers and actual programmers who make things that aren't perfect. They just know how to use said parts better.

I was thinking with second-gen captivity born animals, you at least have an idea of how the species raises its children, whether/how it teaches them to hunt/fly/stay alive, so in that case, you've got some precedent to build on. Since they're not extinct, you can at least attempt to imitate what you know.

Huh...that's true.

Yeah, a lot of the shorter and complete stories are really nice to just take a few hours and plow through; no need to worry about greater implications or a bigger continuity.

It's better camo.

I wonder if they're different suppliers, or if the screen isn't available in a glass-bezel version without some factory modifications. That might explain why they didn't use the Air's nice high-res, anti-reflective screen.

Hey, if you watch the comedy stuff, you usually won't end up too depressed by the end.

I use chopsticks for spaghetti/pasta, sushi, gummy bears, occasionally chips...so I'm not a real hipster or a sushi hipster, just a chopstick fanboy :P

I think you need extreme pretentiousness to really seal the deal, hence the captions.

Shouldn't have read at work, sitting across from my boss.

So, anyone else wondering what makes the "Retro Lancer" so retro? Was there some story about a newly updated Lancer that I'm missing?

Hero defense as a third-person shooter...interesting.

That or "any of the".

Wait, what? I don't know if I get the "fully narrated movie" analogy. I assume you're talking about not fully utilizing the media form...right?

I recall one of my friends sending in a starfighter design (a "K-Wing" or something to that effect) to Lucasfilm, back in elementary school. I think it may have been right after the 1st Star Wars prequel was announced.

Eh, I guess I don't mind the old-school compartmentalization of story and gameplay. For example, I like Tactics gameplay a lot in games like Disgaea, but I also enjoy the bits of story cutscenes that are usually interwoven only between battles. So I don't mind the interruptions entirely, as I like both bits, and they