

@kagekiri: Apparently, I can't edit this particular comment, but anyway...

@lg7981: Yeah. I find it so painful when friends suggest McDonald's when an In-N-Out is just as close and available. It's like throwing away money, especially if they're just getting normal burgers at McDonald's anyway. Chicken lovers would be disappointed by In-N-Out, I guess.

@boxspelunker: Yeah, the delay at In-N-Out can suck, and gives them a lot more time to get things looking okay.

@Dirk Anger: I know, I'm saying even if in our overfed society, where faster burning metabolisms and actions are favored, tall and short people do not have equally economical steps. Saying they're "equal economically" and then subsequently saying one is "better" than the other at burning fuel for the same distance

@tomsomething: You can order them "well done", and they'll cook them longer with mixed results (some people have said they're awesome, some have gotten way overcooked fries).

@HighSpeedIndeed: I tried McD's in Japan (a waste, I know), and the Big Mac looked pretty amazing when prepared properly: buns that weren't compressed, neatly placed parts all stacked properly. The soda and fry portions (and possibly the patties) were all a bit smaller, but it sure looked the closest to the pictures

@boxspelunker: Hmm...they do pretty well with presentation+taste at In-N-Out's, but the workers get paid more, their menus are more limited, and the burger cooking process is more assembly-line-like than most McDonalds I've seen.

@HalLumos: Yes, so less economical metabolisms and actions (like running laps and most exercise) are favored.

@FlyMeToTheMoon: Yeah, that's my point: just because they can optimize doesn't at all imply hydrodynamic knowledge, unlike what this guy says in the quote.

January 2011 is the Japanese date, right? I hope they have it in the US before summer 2011 ends (or at all...come on, Sega!)

@OutlawDominus: It's closer to mutations and utilization of what amounts to fuel/explosives in that world, but the end result is close enough to magic.

Did they actually study the cat's brain activity when lapping up the milk?

I'd argue that taller people's steps are more economical going by the premises you posted.

@Scarbane: I nominate Guild Wars 2 as an alternative David.

@Piemonkey: Haha, I can see it now: Guitar Hero advertising in WoW, complete with minigames and special drops for completing songs on Expert.

@Marla Singer: Well, FPS multiplayer is like "cops and robbers" to me. Shoot at each other while running around, play dead if shot, wait for next round (or countdown to "respawn"), do it again.

@8x10: Haha, I actually consume water alone for drinks (other than soup) and eat rice with most meals, but yeah, not having other things with those would suck.

@AngryFork: I'm in a similar boat: I'd rather die than be a burden to my family or friends (well, and society, but I care more about my local impact on family/friends than society), and I may just choose that option if I come down with a similar disease. Take my usable organs for scientific studies or donations, and

@Quilt: When I started carrying pens around in my pocket, I liked the Bics, but the tips tend to break or wear out and start leaking more ink while writing, which made them smeary and potentially pocket-staining.