Big K

See I would have slapped several of these bad boys in the tunnel and get some Velociraptor suits:

Every time I hear Musk talk about RoboTaxi’s or cars driving themselves I just point to the tunnel. If they can’t do it there in a 100% controlled space, in the absolute 100% best case scenario, what makes anyone think they can do it on public roads.

Why not both sides?

Did this need to be an article?

I agree, and this should be mandatory: 

It’s weird. People HATED the square lens Wranglers when they came out back then.

Did not come here expecting obscure Tina Turner facts and was compelled to dig a little deeper. Her LM002 was cool, but that coach built XJS shooting brake is to die for.

I understand a lot of the concerns around speed cameras, and in general I’m opposed. But in all the outrage expressed in the comment sections of the news articles here in Rochester, none of the outrage was that SO MANY FUCKING PEOPLE ARE SPEEDING THROUGH THE SCHOOL ZONES.

For every $50 fine paid, $17 goes to the city, and $33 goes to the camera company.

I’m in Syracuse and they are planning to install cameras here. Everyday on my commute, I drive through by an elementary school with a posted 20mph speed limit. Everyday, I have someone on my bumper when I slow down to that speed. The cars ahead and in the other lane seem to ignore the speed, too.

It’s adorable how Elon Musk keeps trying to re-create trains and buses, but worse...

Plus imagine a world where Cybercabs are just left in random parking lots, on sidewalks, in alleys and in other people’s driveways when not in use. Like the whole electric scooter sharing craze – with scooters left laying on lawns and sidewalks – only lots more of them gumming up more important arteries. I’d give it a

I was thinking about the exact same thing!  He is such a garbage snake oil salesman.  No wonder he gets along with Trump

“Youtuber” = zero sympathy.

He bought it knowing Musk is a fascist and scam artist, so he deserves to be taken to the cleaners. And that is even without the “influencer” angle.

This was such a travesty!

Counterpoint: If your mundane car needs sporty variation, there is an aftermarket for most every car that lets you create one in your own image.

Holy Spicoli