Big K

The older you get, the less interesting pretty lights and big bangs become. I used to drive across state lines and load up, now I can’t imagine why. (They’re okay for other people, it’s not like I’m against freedom or anything like that.)

Q: what could Tesla have done with $56,000,000,000 in assets to improve the quality of their cars? A: a lot.

Look, Corvettes are without question boomertastic.
However this screams ghetto, not boomer.

This is an ‘87 Honda. How dare you!

Astrology can help us understand a lot about someone

No AC? Not for me. But that is throw away money and it’s a Honda. I’ll be surprised if it isn’t snapped up quickly. (I have 216k on my 06 and she’s good - but I know the service history).

Simple, count the number of letters on the trunk.

I prefer polished or brushed aluminum anyways. On of the big problems with chrome rims is the chrome can oxidize and de-laminate from the wheel over time. This can push the tire of the bead and cause a slow leak.  Saw it hundreds of times on Lincolns.

That’s fine, I use Firefox anyway.

You would think by now his license and registration would be suspended.

Arrest him. Tow and crush his car. How fucking hard is that to figure out?

Ignoring a court order is something that really pisses off a judge. I’m surprised there isn’t a warrant out already, and some contempt of court time in the hoosegow in the bag to go with it. Judges are getting real lenient with this sort of shit these days, for some reason.

why; take his license, take his car to be crushed, set up recording gear, make HIM push the crush button and finally followed by forcing him to watch the video every day for however many days he was youtubing the noise?

If you really want to hurt him, make him watch but not film...

This guy has been claiming that his social media income paid for the car. He also told police when he was ticketed that he was going to keep on doing it because he was making so much money. He’s an absolute ass.

He didn’t stop driving the car, under court order. He didn’t un-modify his exhaust, per court order. If you think he’s going to pay this fine under court order, I have Death Valley fishing gear to sell ya.

Social media is his income. He probably makes enough in views that the fines won’t deter him.

Take his license, crush his car and make him watch.

Don’t let Jesus take the Wheel, the dude is famous for walking everywhere. He has no idea how to drive.

No sympathies for any of them. If you want to be on the front row at Idiotfest, have at ‘er.