Big K

You notice everyone selling luxury German cars at 70k miles right before the big service on them. 

I have had 3 Nissans, also have had German cars, I always go back to Nissan very cheap to maintain and it pays you back with excellent gas mileage. My current one has the CVT with no problems at 80k, I change the fluid on the cvt every 30k and it runs like new.

It’s a given

What is with the Murano and G wagon hate. Murano is the perfect road trip SUV plus the new one is about to come out, G wagon on off road tires can go anywhere.

I got two sets of wheels for my car when I got it back in 2015, best thing for winter was the nokian snow tires and piaa vogue wipers

The digital dash looks cool, but living with one after awhile makes me love my other car with the normal speedo, the sun hitting it all day with the glare is a pain to try to see.

100k has so many other better trucks to buy

It is still the wild west for EVs , no real standards have been made expect for the tesla one that people made adapters for. Hopefully Lucid and Rivin partner with other car companies and keep making better EVs than Tesla.

Just like last time, making a record amount of times playing golf at his own course and charging us for it.

Yeah, he legendry for screwing people over

They have a project started in ‘23 with the trains https://www.dot.nv.gov/projects-programs/transportation-projects/brightline-west-high-speed-rail-project

A one way tunnel with no places underground for emergency stops. Las Vegas already has a couple Monorail systems, if they had monorail underground that went from the airport to all the hotels it would be worth it.

Nice, does it have a wild stereo system?

Not a problem at costco, pick the right lane

People called them fake Wranglers “only real ones come with round lights”

With all the retro SUVs the Xterra would fit back in.

Maybe take away that license after the 10th day

Bad enough we got sidewalks with all those scooters left blocking everything, imagine those cars doing much worst. We just need more light rail systems.

Tesla Cybertruck

Bring back some fun compact sports sedans, the Civic is ugly, give us a Corolla sedan and Sentra sports models with turbo motors.