Big K

3 million for that, yeah time to move

Tesla design is not aging well. Chevrolet silverado looks like it was design during a South Park episode.

That was a funny eposide, you have no clue what you are talking about.

Before you could just change the radio, now everything else is controlled in that display, you have to buy a special black box to upgrade

The newer CD players had a 6 disk changer in the deck

You forgot another one, handbrake.

I miss my Nissan with them, car safety in the 90s killed it

They really need to replace him or get bought by a car company.

I would change the Tesla to all of them

The mid to late 80s was horrible time for American cars looks inside and out and engines. I mean Mustang 2

Wrangler was suppose to be a cheap basic thing, well good way to kill the company

Challenger owner thinking they are built to handle turns

Bob’s Burgers wasn’t because it stopped being funny, I just don’t get it on any of my services anymore.” it is on Fox

Kill the Simpsons, keep Bob’s burgers and Family guy

Yeah, that is why it got renewed for another decade and has 6 specials coming out in that time

The Lisa show should have ended when the movie came out

Why does it need to die, it is still good. You don’t like it stop watching it.

Glad I ran away from VW in 2015, crazy now, I have money now and save so much on gas after switch back to Japanese 30/40.

Until you try to brake on ice

I been Nokian snow tires on second winter wheels for the last 5 years. Works amazing for a FWD car, turns it into AWD traction. And yeah we get heavy snow here.