I need that toy Ruf yellowbird
I need that toy Ruf yellowbird
The Honda Del Sol still looks good, need the 4 headlights.
Don’t they come with some kind of tracking system for theft
Could have been such a good sports car, but they made it into a GT
Easy way to catch the people breaking into cars
The one good Chevy and they screwed it up so badly with bad interior and slow transmissions. That V6 should have been a quick car.
After working at a auto shop the amount of people driving around on bald tires is really scary. And people think 4wd will save them in the rain when braking on bald tires.
I like it, like a 911 but can be used everyday with that huge trunk and tiny backseats. The AWD will make it super quick.
He is just making his own enemies with not paying so many people. The IRS garage sell is going to be amazing.
It doesn’t really have a locking top on it, you can see the tik toks of homeless and druggies walking up to them and just ripping off the top and taking the food. Bad design and California laws that don’t do anything for theft under $950 it going to make that company broke quick.
A lifted truck with low profile tires, who is this for
Must be a slow news day, giving views to this guy is pretty sad.
This guy has destroyed so many new cars for youtube, and Jalopnik is egging him on.
The CR-Z made the old CRX jump in value
Flame throwers needed
I think the aliens are here, just underwater
Only attacking small ships. If they wanted to stop turbulent water why not go for cruise ships?
They are learning and testing how to take out boats. Imagine being in the ocean way to far away from help and they do this, slowly breaking up the ship until they get everyone into the water, then free lunch.
German cars started doing that with the performance models, but ultra light tinting, so just a little darker that looked good. Now we got people totally blacking out all the lights, so you barely see them at night.
Should be AWD, the price is cheap, to bad we don’t get it.