Big K
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Really the cheapest you can go is a new Versa now $16k, seems like a decade ago you could get a small hatch for $10k from one of the Korean car companies.

What state is that even legal to be that dark, the car looks like it is limo tinted, night time must be so hard to see.

So true, always seeing them at night going way to fast on normal streets and running lights. Having 800hp factory versions driven by people that might be on something or drunk just sound like death waiting to happen.

“but not a dummy” the last couple years has proven that wrong

Another great idea from GM lol

No, the people in high school that liked them back in the 90s could afford them now. Reliving teen memories, just like the parents did with the crappy 70s muscle cars.

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Because they didn’t dominate in all races, na that is not it. Winning races before you were born

Every rode in one, it is horrible, you barely see over the dash and hood.


The cars are stick shift and geared for going fast, not daily driving at 25 mph in traffic. Plus Italians didn’t do good at A/C back then.

Dude is talking like he owns one

scaffolding - the chassis brace for handling, if you need a micro van get a GTI then

My friend had one for a year, A/C gave out, such a nightmare and interior from a power wheels

He really has turned into one

looks Forza new

No link for the Nissan, I want it

yup, by he has a cult following for some reason

Will be released with the cyber truck in 2030 when Tesla is part of Geely

Translation, I can’t figure out how to tune a motor so I have to stick a V8 into everything.

A Golf wagon with AWD and this motor would be a fun sleeper