Winter tires with ABS and traction control works 95% when living in a area that has snow had ice. Anything over 8 inches you are stuck, but so is everyone else. And Yes I been driving with this setup for 8 years.
Winter tires with ABS and traction control works 95% when living in a area that has snow had ice. Anything over 8 inches you are stuck, but so is everyone else. And Yes I been driving with this setup for 8 years.
The mileage is pretty high, wonder if all the major services are done. Didn’t realize they are only 2900 lbs
Uncle Eddie
Really, learn something new each day
Slapping on electric exhaust valves and doing burn outs in neighborhoods at night, need to start taking away licenses.
I never got to ride in one, thought they would be fun
seating beside the motor must be fun
Rentals I had thru the years, 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier, 2010 Chrysler 300. Some of the worst seats ever, the 300 we used to drive 12 hours and had to stop every couple hours because of back pains.
They couldn’t place them in a straight line
Deathrace 2000 when you want to kill people walking
WOW, $250 for a set, I can get some new loaded front calipers for less.
They don’t on my car, those rear little windows on the back doors you can’t see out of while driving. But heat up the car in the summer time.
“Louvres for your rear quarterlights.” what? Anyone I got a set for those little windows I can’t even see out of, but are made to be broken by car thieves.
Came here for this
I had control arms replaced, in under 5 years? nope
Man, Honda really needs another S2000/Prelude, yeah yeah Civic Type R, but no
Wonder what rich person this related too
Yes, Hopefully the Tesla trend is over