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    Eh. He acts he exact same in every video.... if I had a “shallow cervix” I wouldn’t choose this profession. Rarely do we see “romantic” flics. And there are PLENTY of women who do enjoy this. Stop criminalizing men who enjoy bdsm but turn around and think 50 shades of grey is “cute” *insert extreme eyeroll”

    I hate these heels lol they just look so indecisive to me 😂

    But It wasn’t his fault. Women are always penalized more. I’m not sure what he was supposed to do when society and the league outcasted her. He could defend her but against what? THe system that penalizes black women before white men. Nothing new here or anything that plain old Justin could change with a “supportive

    Why is he suffering because of the system... as a black woman I have no qualms with JT. This is much higher than him “deciding” not to do a performance with Janet to “redeem” himself. I mean who’s fault is it really he walked away untouched....

    This! People act like men are just supposed to “understand” when half the time communication gets mixed up between the sexes even when it’s just a general conversation! Lol

    *sexual abuse survivor and woman who experienced many of these situations that could have gone this far* Sorry maybe I’m too “modern” but it’s my body. You can attempt as many times as you like, if I’m uncomfortable I leave which is what she should have done. Yes 22 is young but it’s her parents responsibility to

    I’m sorry. Not freaking buying it.... he made his advances, you didn’t wanna seem “prudish”, so you tried to be dismissive in a subtle way cause you thought you were special and that he invited you back to read Jane Austen and sip coffee with him... it didn’t work (and yes men can be overly aggressive) and now you see

    Lmfao I’m always ashamed to say I’ve even seen that Debbie video in its entirety.

    I feel the same way about the Black Annie Remake as I do this.... just why? Why not build your own women’s franchise? I’m so tired of needing to feel included versus just creating something new and exciting. Movie ideas are limitless. Why are we constantly recycling? It’s lazy and over done.

    Eh...her parents signed her up knowing their beliefs. Don’t be outraged now. You’re about to be a parent, high school activities should be the least of your concerns.

    Well you know if Beyoncé doesn’t change the world in ONE day she must not be trying hard enough 😒


    I completely agree with u. Not to mention its thievery the way businesses make waiters rely on tips. They want u the customer to double pay so they can take the cheap way out. They have made tipping necessary or ur a cheap scum. The soda he took probably equals the wages the he should have been paid. And I'm not even