
Those aren’t USA-specific statistics, sadly.

Given the widespread hang violence in the country, you can’t project USA statistics onto Mexico.

That's one of the things that gives me solace when I look towards the oncoming environmental apocalypse. We don't really deserve a future on this planet.

1 - She’s a woman. 2 - She’s a woman empowering other women. 3 - She’s a woman making changes to the status quo.

I definitely realized I’m coming at this from “this is my experience, isn’t this everyone’s experience too” mindset, and that’s embarrassing.

I wonder if we’re confusing life as a normal for life as a rich person? Like... in my household, as soon as I graduated from “pile of cheerios on the placemat” to utensils, I was presented with a bowl of cereal in milk. Because fucked if that’s not what most people in the 80s had for breakfast, especially children.

I hated drinking milk as a kid (still do really), and would always eat my cereal dry unless it was like coco pebbles or something that turned it to chocolate milk. I only started putting milk in cereal in my 20s, when the much more pleasant almond milk became a thing.

Yeah. That would not have flown with my mother.

I eat cereal like Ive never seen food before in my life when I eat it with milk. I put a small amount in the bowl, splash it with milk, and ravenously devour it before there is a chance to get soggy. Repeat until Im in a carb coma.

It’s true there’s a very small window between “this cereal is pleasantly crunchy in this milk” and “this has turned into a soggy cardboard mess”, which is why I end up eating a bowl of cereal as if I’m trying to break speed eating records, but really? Never in milk?

He will probably find employment at another ballet company within 6 months.

*One correction, Peter Martins was actually 34 when he began dating 16 year old Darci Kistler. Pretty sure that’s still under the age of consent in New York.

And like, a kilo of what? Cocaine? Boone’s Farm? Cripes, finish your horrible sentences, ballet boy.

Sorry, dear, but dance is a tough life, especially for the ladies. Consider the eating disorders: the diet to sustain an incredibly gruelling physical activity where the ideal Balanchine silhouette is nearly skeletal oft goes awry. Or the damage they do to their feet with toe shoes - blerg. The instructors, training

Sadly, no one who knows anything about ballet should be shocked by this.

My local public TV station WNJT constantly runs this short puff piece on the NYCB in between shows. Even from that, one gets major cult “give your kids to us, and they’ll be ours forever” vibes—and that’s before Peter Martins shows up to be praised to the skies. Past time they yanked this, no?

You mean ballet isn’t full of butterflies and whimsical music?? Sorry I am so naive and childish - for real I always thought they treated dancers like gold and that the stuff in the movies was just cliche. :(

Yeah, Ballet has always been terrible. It’s always been men in charge of large groups of female dancers who are constantly begging for approval.

Oh hey, photographed by Terry Richardson? Why am I not even the slightest bit surprised. Rapists find each other. Ugh.

 abuse them like farm animals. abuse them like farm animals.
 abuse them like farm animals. abuse them like farm animals.
 abuse them like farm animals. abuse them like farm animals.