
He can’t keep preexisting conditions and get rid of everything else. The compromise for keeping the protection for preexisting conditions was that *everyone has to have insurance* in order to contribute to paying the cost accrued from the chronically ill. If he gets rid of everything else, he will not be able to get

Jonathan Pie :) I fucking hate that video.

No, it was that Jonathan Pie video. Watch it if you want to then rage for the next forty minutes.

Ugh god literally every person I’ve seen share that stupid video is a white person.

Warren might. She didn’t this time, partially because Hillary was agreed upon by the DNC 9 years ago when she dropped out of the race and conceded to Obama. She couldn’t run against Hillary this year and get support.

I like to buy lip balm from indie cosmetics companies especially, so I have like 15 different chapsticks in all these different delicious flavors. One in every room at least, with varying degrees of moisturizing power depending on how my lips feel that day.#noshame #lipbalmaddict

Generally yes, but it depends on the kind you use as well.

Exactly what I meant! I had to know if I should hide all night in my bedroom or if it was safe to walk into the family room. It told me if I should just smile and nod, out of fear of saying the wrong thing. It kept me alive, basically.

All of these stories just make me so glad I can read my fiancé like a book. He had the habit of hiding things because of how his family is, which I understand because I went through the same thing, but I pretty much always knew when something was up, and I can pretty much always tell when he’s lying. I generally think


Pho. Definitely pho. It’s the best.

I’m still fucking pissed at pfizer for extending the fucking patent and blocking generic Lyrica from being manufactured. Being disabled is awesome. I get to choose between daily agonizing pain, and enough food for the month. Because *with insurance* that one medication costs $300+ dollars. I had to go off my

I love all of this lmao

This almost brought tears to my eyes. How great would that be? I volunteer my new puppy as tribute! He can play and get lots of slobbery puppy kisses without having to deal with chewed shoes and poop scooping.

I heard concerning news that the Kardashians’ show was cancelled because Kim reportedly said she set it all up? So there’s some justifiable concern over the validity of her story.

I had a Reddit post blow up and it was awful having that much attention. I ended up deleting the post and any comments that my friends made on Facebook about it. I can’t imagine being actually famous.

I was in the Greek system. I fully support getting rid of it. It’s the epitome of privilege, a racist institution, deeply sexist, it reinforces rape culture, and perpetuates the “boys club” mentality to keep the (generally) rich white men rich by creating advantages for jobs/networking. It creates dangerous situations

Haha trueeee. If it wasn’t a pattern, I’d give him a pass. As it is, I haven’t brought it up in a while, I don’t want to accidentally make him change his mind. Was satisfying to watch him angry rant about the debate on Facebook though. He was like “I hate Hillary” (he’s a hardcore republican) “but trump is just a

Damn. *taps fist* That was good.

This was honestly my reaction when my dad went from being pro-trump to supporting Clinton. It was so satisfying. I celebrated.