
Loretta is sort of like a miniature, female Raylan. I can't envision him in that sort of situation, so I can't see it happening to Loretta, either.

I'm also thinking Boon has it coming right in the apricot. Is it so much to ask???

I read that too. In EW, I think.

Yost said in the post mortem interview that they cut the scene — that the first thing he did was check Boyd. But they edited it so that it shows Raylan's real concern is for Ava first.

I thought she meant to kill him. Why would she want him alive to come after her? I think the scene when she's yelling NO in the previews for next week might be when she finds out he's still alive. But we'll have to wait and see…

I find I have to suspend my disbelief a tad that Boyd got shot twice in the chest and both times lived (and actually the first time, according to Graham Yost's latest Yahoo post-mortem, was right in the heart — but they wanted to keep him so, voila! a miracle).

That might be true. Which disappoints me a little since I started watching Justified from the very first episode so I could see Raylan shoot bad guys. I thought that was the point (and the fun) of the show.

Best line of the show.

I like it better than this one.

I was sort of disappointed that wasn't in there.

The father and the prince — and Ella — all had rather prominent teeth. Who did the casting for this? A dentist?

I'd like to add that the Frozen short made it all worthwhile. What a breath of fresh air. It was great to see those characters again.

I was disappointed — though I only went to see it in the first place because a friend who works at Disney took me to a screening. I had no desire to pay to see it. Ella was annoyingly passive. The costumes were somewhat ugly (the movie poster looks like the cover of a romance novel) but I did like the house. The only

Yeah, I must have missed that too. With his wound and it all, it seemed unlikely. But then again, he's Ragnar….

Oh. I think she peed on it again. Ha ha. But who knows! I do think they have better chemistry than Ragnar and Aslaug.

She peed on his wound. And urine always has bacteria in it and isn't sterile even for a little bit. But it's a thing.

I agree with everything in this review — especially about Aslaug and the Wanderer, Kalf, and Athelstan with Judith. I hope Athelstan goes back with Ragnar. I also hope the writers find a way to make Bjorn and Porunn interesting.

Exactly! Considering the kid has already been shot at in in utero, you'd think keeping her away from his workplace would be a priority. I wonder what Winona would say. Didn't he lie and say he went to the park?

He was once looking at a career in mall security due to Art's ire.

That's right! Raylan should know better…or the writers should. But I guess they felt they needed the interactions with the baby.