
They actually kidnapped people and drove over county and state lines, then let them out with a little cash to get home. Their shooting matches were primarily with police who had them cornered. Clyde was repeatedly raped in prison and was determined to steal enough money to stage a break out at Eastham Prison Farm

I liked this movie but didn't really get much from Kate Beckinsale's performance — I wanted to like her more. I kept imagining Cate Blanchett in the role. Maybe because I saw her in Cinderella… This movie would have been better with someone who is really good at being really bad in a way that's more engaging (I'm also

Kimmy is clearly a Scorpio.

I think of him whenever I see Tilda Swinton

I thought this review was overly negative, too. It was entertaining and displayed Adam's charm.

"Most women don't write Fanfic." You're obviously not familiar with Tumblr.

James, shut up.

WTF? No.

That's always what I notice first in portrayals of hippies. Everyone looks scrubbed clean with perfect hair and makeup. The latest stage productions of Hair were ridiculous because of that.

And an obligatory beard.

Me too! I was instantly confused. Casting is really uninspiring and unoriginal apart from Duchovny. If I keep watching, it will be because of him. I might just fast forward through everything else. This would have been better if it had been produced on FX.

You haven't seen them?? I loved the second version - if only because of Ben Foster. Top of my list of favorite film outlaws. Next to Jeff Fahey as Tyree and Val Kilmer as Doc Holliday.

I assumed she was calling Katherine. Ava wouldn't know she was dead. Boyd would have told her Katherine's plan to kill Markham and steal the money - maybe she's thinking Katherine can help her.

Which makes me think he's used up all of his lives. I don't think he leaves Harlan alive.

That's interesting because I bet Boyd doesn't know that! The previews show them kissing next week, so maybe she gets a chance to explain it. Not that it would make Boyd any less annoyed, to say the least!

Is that the Yahoo interview? I guess it could be seen as inconclusive since she does it on an impulse. Yost doesn't specifically say she missed on purpose but does say that it was written that she would miss.

Yeah so I'm just wondering if that's worth $10 million. Unless that money isn't all money. That's what I'm getting at. He may not even believe Boyd. Who knows.

Did you see the part in the diner? When Raylan and Tim had him call her? He already suspected her.

I wondered if that was planned between Ava and Boyd too. But it seems risky to allow someone to shoot you in the chest!

Did Limehouse know it was $10 million Boyd was after? I don't remember. Seems like Limehouse would want more than a little cut of that. The man loves money.