
Hollywood constantly talks about diversity, yet they still like to race-bend (Blackwashing and Whitewashing, especially) established characters. However, I would be surprised if they didn’t Whitewash at least 1 character in this pending live-action film.

I don’t think this is a case of “I shot that person because he was Black and because he’s Black he started the fight”. I think it was more of a case that they assumed Bradford, Jr. was the suspected shooter because he was holding a gun. I don’t know if his skin color had anything to do with it. If you see someone with

This is why keeping “Boy scouts” as a trademark could help rather than “scouts”.

In the comics, Superman was raised by a White American couple. Superman is usually portrayed as a straight White man. Unless it was an adaptation of some alternate universe version of Superman that is Black (even then, I think that is whack), I think Superman should remain a straight White male. If Superman was

007 was written as White guy, so he should stay that way. I would apply the same thing if he was written as a Black guy.

I would say that from a color standpoint (I never got into reading the Titans comics and have seen some of the “Teen Titans” cartoon from the 2000s), orange is closer to Caucasian than it is to Black.

For those watching the Eng. dub that Funi streams on Th. afternoons, they streamed the reunion epi. today.

Simply saying “inappropriate workplace behavior.” is ridiculously vague. WSJ, good job at being so vague.

To me, the anime of 2017 was “Sakura Quest”. The strong female characters and the community developing, along with the Spanish-speakers later on, had a factor in that. I also consider its simuldub best 2017 Eng. dub.