It’s like they’re the business-world-equivalent of internet trolls: “Let’s see how many people we can piss off, just for shits and giggles”.
It’s like they’re the business-world-equivalent of internet trolls: “Let’s see how many people we can piss off, just for shits and giggles”.
Good lord, I can’t believe that’s a real thing.
I’m not disagreeing with you at all, but man, when I upgraded my Xbox One to an Xbox One X, the single most noticeable improvement for me was load times. Having FIFA take 10 seconds to start up instead of seemingly 60 was a godsend.
Awesome info, thank you for the summary. Definitely goes to show that the raw numbers often don’t tell the whole story.
I don’t disagree that we as a country have had an inappropriately slow reaction to this over the past few weeks, but you’re really using the benefit of 20/20 hindsight to state your case, and you’re exaggerating the length of the advanced warning that we had.
Everyone loves to hate on Gamestop (and rightfully so, in most cases), but it’s not like *anyone* was prepared for this. This isn’t unique to them, and no one quite knows how to balance safety with the risk of having to completely shut down your business (potentially for months).
Let’s assume what you say (the Stadia team doesn’t have the budget to incentivize devs/publishers to bring their games to the service) is true.
Just like Google Fiber. Or any of the other half-baked ideas they’ve had and ultimately shelved.
Exactly. I said this from the jump: it’d be like subscribing to Netflix, only to find out you still had to buy each individual movie or show you wanted to watch.
They could argue that (and technically be right), but I would tend to counter that it isn’t a great business practice.
Doom: Eternal(ly Delayed)
Just my opinion, but not only did it not age well, it just wasn’t a good game in the first place.
It’s like subscribing to Netflix for $9.99 a month (or whatever Netflix costs nowadays) only to find out you still have to buy each individual movie at full retail price.
While I’ve had both consoles for most of this generation, I was primarily a PS4 guy until Game Pass Ultimate came along. Since they got their hooks in me with that, I rarely play my PS4 anymore. There are just too many games I can access for “free” on Xbox at any time now.
It’s been so popular to rag on Stadia that by this point I assumed there would be a counter-movement of people talking about why Stadia is actually great.
You have to pay extra for that.
People often say “there are so few people in X community though, why bother making a character like this if so few people will relate to them?”
Don’t mind at all. This is super long-winded, so I apologize, but hopefully it helps.
Am I missing something?
Gotta agree with you here.