I’m sure they’re all terrified of the inevitable “paid leave pending investigation” that they’ll be required to go on...
I’m sure they’re all terrified of the inevitable “paid leave pending investigation” that they’ll be required to go on...
No way we get Fallout 5 before TES6 (I don’t think...).
8 straight Finals for LeBron is damn ridiculous, but you’ve also gotta put it in context and admit that he never would’ve been able to do that in the West (or the East of MJ’s day).
Name of the Wind was good (not great), but I’ll never forgive the middle of The Wise Man’s Fear for devolving into what was essentially a several hundred-page teenage sex fantasy. God that was terrible.
Well, I guess I would rather my obituary read “died trying to bare-knuckle box a polar bear” than “died running away from a polar bear while screaming like a little baby.”
I liked his advice to “show all your power.” You know, as opposed to, say, 65% of your power.
Really not the most exciting trailer, but I have full faith that the game will be amazing. Never been disappointed by Rockstar.
Eliminate separation based on sex/gender/whatever. Men and women compete together. Solves all these problems. I’m drunk so that’s the best I can come up with right now.
Man, the 12 people that witnessed that live must’ve been amazed.
If you’re going to get steak fries, you might as well just order a baked potato. They belong at the bottom of every list.
Putting aside from your more...outside-the-box ideas, penalizing teams for tanking won’t work because you can’t realistically define, in any objective sense, what “tanking” is. We all know it when we see it, but how can you prove a team’s tanking? Without being able to define it in a rulebook, you can’t penalize for…
Hey Jason, love these articles. Book was great too! Keep up the good work! Got a question for you, though. This isn’t exactly relevant for Mafia III, but I could see it rearing its head in other cases.
I don’t exactly feel sad for the guy, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a little empathy. Dude clearly needs help, with his alcoholism and maybe more. He’s been so self-destructive to this point in his life, you have to start wondering if there are serious mental health issues in play.
And Barstool staffers. I think it’s hilarious that both sites, every time they stir up something new in this “feud,” do nothing more than generate clicks for each other.
Don’t care what Dana says publicly, there’s no way the UFC sues their biggest star (even if he hasn’t fought in forever). I’ll believe that when I see it.
I mean, it’s obviously his own fault too. But it’s not like Sony reeled him in after they made the deal.
To be fair, the hype train for that game was rolling so fast pre-launch, the game would’ve practically had to cure cancer as you played it to live it up to expectations.
I still haven’t tried it, so I’m basically just talking out my ass here, but it seems to me that it’s pretty much universally accepted that No Man’s Sky was a pretty big disappointment at launch and has gotten infinitely better since then with all the free updates.
The water does look good, at least.
It’s definitely Sony’s fault for thrusting a non-PR guy into such a prominent crowd-facing role. Not a knock on Sean, but I don’t think he ever should’ve been put on stage as much as he was. In hindsight, the end result (over-promise, under-deliver) was almost inevitable.