
I just got their titles

I’m far left and proud of it and I still hope this vaccine denying nobody gets arrested

I’d argue that Babylon Five had the better idea, and the better story to tell, but that Deep Space Nine ultimately had the better execution, and so holds up better over all. Partly thats down to the cast changes and executive meddling on B5, and the fact that its effects don’t hold up so well. Partly its because DS9

It also had the greatest character development of any Trek show. There almost isn’t a single character in that show that didn’t go through some very fundamental changes over the course of the run. The best example of that is probably Bashir and O’Brian. I mean, they go from a very one sided feud with Miles absolutely

It’s a shame for the employees, and (even though they were statistically going to be screwed anyway) I feel bad for the students that may have felt like this was their chance to move up in the world.

There’s just something about the Enterprise that every time I see her, I feel as though there’s hope for the future.

Counterpoint: OK Go is great and this sucks.

So you are not being judgemental, you are just saying that your way is more ethical, more Godly, cheaper, better for the eater and the environment, more mindful, and more disciplined.

Five reboots for Knight Rider and not even one for Airwolf.