
Because boys can do no wrong. From early childhood, girls are held to higher behavioral standards. I am at a conference right now, and we women have noticed that the men are too fucking special to push their chairs back in and not block the narrow aisles.

Wasn’t there a round of dead Syrian children before? Where was he with that? Guess to him it’s the old gas me once shame on you, gas me twice...

It’s very much a cause and effect thing. Are women not as common in racing because they like it less, or do they like it just as much but not enough to put up with the crap they get from the macho guys?

You’re kinda fuckin stupid, huh?

What talk show has men stripping to their underwear regularly?

The 550 Gran Turismo is going to be a future classic.

I don’t believe I mentioned the E38. Or indeed any of those models you mentioned. So no, that is not what I am saying.

It doesn’t speak well of BMW that most of their cars that I’d want in my driveway date back at least ten years or more...

I’d be fine with this one...

Engine: a Honda engine.

“Don’t waste my time- only one of us can do that to the other, and I’m calling dibs.”

Further evidence that all of NASCAR is a bunch of stupid children, and that Nobody Actually Seems to Care About the Racing.

That’s serious towing weight you got in those crankshafts there.

Unless there are guarantees that this particular Z3 wasn’t a program Z3.

62 million Americans happily held their noses on the “family values” front during this election to vote for a thrice married serial cheater who assaults women for sport and sexualizes teenager girls, including his own daughter.

Dumb people never stop voting against their own best interests when Jesus is involved. And even when Jesus backs away with his hands up like, “Uh, wait... no fuckin’ way, bros!” they just blame the Pope and vote for a Republican anyway.

What I think people are forgetting is how important it is to support sane Republicans in some districts. For example, Steve King’s district. No Dem will ever win there. King could rape a small child on television and no one will care if he’s promising tax cuts and anti-immigrant legislation while he’s doing it. If you

yep...the problem was definitely on the outside, mama june.

This Republican talking point of “we don’t know enough” is so bizarre. Like, yes we do! Please don’t extend your ignorance to the rest of us who actually believe in science and the work done by scientists.

Here in the US, that's statistically true. Non-theists are the other largest group, by far. The "I don't know"s outnumber all non-Christian religions put together here. The biggest minority religion (Judaism) is barely over 1% of the population. So we're getting into the "not statistically significant" realm for