Thanks for dispelling that for me- I hadn’t a clue that doesn’t actually happen. Learn something new every day...
Thanks for dispelling that for me- I hadn’t a clue that doesn’t actually happen. Learn something new every day...
...Therefore, the United States Code at 18 U.S.C. § 2381 states “whoever, owing allegiance to the United States, levies war against them or adheres to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort within the United States or elsewhere, is guilty of treason and shall suffer death, or shall be imprisoned not less than five…
Thats what I keep coming back to- traitorous bastards.
Used E-class. 4Matic. Super safe. Niceness inside to comfort how harrowing her driving experience is. Generally handsome.
We *are* at war. These bastards declared war on democracy the moment they colluded with the Russians to win the election. Trump even fucking called for it directly! in one of his lovely campaign speeches.
I am hoping you are right regardless. Please be correct!
There won’t be a democratic congress in 2019- not newrly enough seats up for grabs.
Ahhhh fuck it. You’re right... I forgot where I was. Is this a, uh... What day is this?
I’m not going to say it, because your comment is relevant; in that both subjects have theiving bastards in common.
^ So. Much. This. ^
I cannot tell you how much I miss Obama. It saddens me to remember how competent, intelligent, and amiable he is. I’m missing all of it.
I’m not sure money will ever help this unfortunate man.
Do you think he will ever cut out the whole: “This guy did this, where is he? Stand up, that guy.”
Or WEC app. I still cannot believe they haven’t developed anything for handheld devices... they are missing out on *so many people*. I know some folks who don’t have cable and would relish the opportunity to pay for online access that doesn’t involve shady second-party websites or virus-riddled torrents.
I wish, oh so much, that the term ‘small’ meant what it did in decades past.
I am truly sorry for this... acceptable or exceptional. It cannot be both... or...
I wholeheartedly agree. That being said, i drive an E36 coupe, which tugs similarly at me... is it a 90's thing? Does it matter? Facelift E38 FTW!
Nobody is beckpedalling anything. You have obviously been mistaken someplace, sometime.