
The world of the Aunts is a definitely interesting parallel universe. I’ve felt that throughout the series, they’re certainly lesser creatures (because women) yet their righteousness and connection to God is almost stronger than the men’s. Or perhaps politically, they are since much of the motivation for Gillead’s

On next week’s season finale of The Cofishener..

Now playing

He also was high on crystal meth most of the time and convinced a string of junkies to dig in his backyard “gold mine.”

Question to clarify: The Chicago video blogger is described as being street wise and NOT as having worked for StreetWise, the Chicago magazine that works with low income and homeless people?

This discussion is enlightening due to my enrollment in a Body Image DBT group. I grew up in similar situations (but a little earlier) where body positivity was beginning but with the emphasis on making the best of whatever body you have at the moment. At least, that’s the major parts I’ve taken with me.

Fuck! You had Minnesota to go to! You were closer to the Midwest and all of those.. PEOPLE! I think I’ve told my husband that the only option I’d give myself for living in the Dakotas is somewhere along that Eastern edge. From Billings, Denver was 24 hr drive away, Idaho didn’t hold much promise, and to reach anything

Montana person here! Montana! Bringer of a few horrible people too! The late 90s were flooded with crazy ass folks doing crazy ass things. Woman who stalked Brad Pitt? Montana. Man who shot a guard at the Capital? Montana. Militia? Yep. We also attract crazies like the Unibomber! As a Wyoming person, you may know us

Ah, the opiod addiction? Hmmm....Tasty season finale topics.

Maybe the Title is Infinity War: 10 years later or something. Or Aftermath..

Ah, my bad. I’ve only seen clips. Was the finale the “Muslims aren’t bad when they give you their wifi password” or something?

And lets see if they air the rest of the season.

From the Head of Narrative, that answer would be a no but there’s got to be a Littlefinger of the Westworld staff whose created a beyond X-rated playground for those willing to pay bigger bucks.

Thanks for the insightful response! Your interview has really inspired me to purchase the book, btw. Great article.

Are they still up somewhere?

Did the Goose Island buy inspire the story of A-B or another company buying the copyrights for a bunch of other area codes? I remember something in the Chicago press (or likely the Gawker-Gizmodo universe) about that. One of the big signs for me that companies were literally buying false regional/craft brew loyalty.

But from the interview, it sounds like the Goose Island brand beer is the better beer. A-B bought a popular beer and did whatever they needed to for wider distribution. It’s great for A-B to have a new product but it lives partially on the reputation Goose Island built for itself.

After every Season 2 episode of Westworld, I feel compelled to rewatch/binge on every episode before (luckily not that difficult) which changes the way I see the current episode. Plus, a whole bunch of viewers watch the episodes in groups. No, not folks like us who comment on recaps and Reddit but a big group of them.

That’s an incredibly valid feeling. For me, this Monday morning quarterbacking isn’t a new approach (not to mention how many times mystery/suspense shows have had their showrunners’ intentions questioned in the past). If nothing else, he’s examining possible narrative differences in how showrunners and networks see

I liked that. In hindsight (and Tuesday morning quarterbacking/re-writes), I think the greyhound approaching Bernard, him bending down to pet the dog (previously the dogs were roaming signs of doom or something after massacres), saying “Hello” and then hearing the piano playing... or something more vague would’ve been

EXACTLY what I was thinking!!!! Sizemore gets freaked out when he knows where they are and later explains that Shogun World was the bloodier, gorier, and more violent of all the parks. Maybe guests’ swords had some magnetic ability where they were drawn towards wherever a hosts’ sword was going to land thereby