
They've always had it since minifigures became gendered.

::Victrola playing in background::

People dressed the same in the 90s. Perhaps not with JUICY on their ass but something similar.

The tweets in the past 30 min or so say they changed the name, deleted some old tweets, and that the lady deserves a parody account.

That's my auto-reaction to every GRRM post about the books.

Jezebel also had (just today) an article about Megan Mullally rapping to her husband and a post featuring a double amputee kitten walking down the stairs.

I even responded to that Supernatural episode with "AW FUCK, SLENDER MAN B.S.?!?! BOOOOOO!"

THAT'S WHAT I YELLED AS SOON AS I GOT TO THE PART OF THE NEWS STORY THAT SAID IT WAS SLENDER MAN!!! Hearing news reporters saying the words "creepypasta," "Slender Man," and Something Awful with that serious of a tone is RIDICULOUS!!!

I hope they collected all the papers.

Aww! But it came at such a perfect time for me!

they stole that "family's guide to the internet" from Red Letter Media!

Yea for this comment because multiple reasons but initially to make something other than the Pipe is a Pipe "discussion" be first

**I cannot believe my editor just lets me type sentences like that and put them up on the site.

Trans Woman Calls Into Rush Limbaugh's Show, Teachable Moment Occurs And Rush Ignores It.

I'm listening but it's cute that we think Rush Limbaugh cares about facts.

There's a commenter who has the Pac Man like game character as their profile pic! And I can't help but see nearly every actor from the show on various other programs. AND I think of the Mathnet episode featuring the Fibonacci numbers often.

I advise jelly shoes for everyone and flip flops (which I think you STILL have to take off). Wait till the sock bombs start. We'll all be doomed. And have athlete's foot.