
rosemary tree/bush?

Also, Husband has a skin tag that's hanging on by the TINIEST TEENYIEST LITTLE bit of skin that I've ALWAYS wanted to get. I know it's not how those work but for the first year of the relationship, it was TORTURE NOT TO DO IT!!!

Luckily, my husband lets me pluck his eyebrows a little (AHHHH, the release!!!!!)

The woman afterwards:

Amen sister brother person!

And HOLY MULTICULTURAL HOUSEHOLD BATMAN! How many different languages and accents were spoken?

Fuck that.

It matches our vagina building in the Loop.

I agree with every part of that. But do you think there's even one small tiny tiny chance of that happening? He's not a guy who's going to get any kind of understanding through confrontation.

As an artist and soon-to-be art therapist, there is NOTHING in me that wants to criticize these paintings. I want to read into each one or the obsessiveness of the subjects (I mean, 50? Really 50 dogs?). I want to take "Bush on the Couch" and write another chapter for it.

My ladybrain keeps me from watching Fox News. Or obsessing too much on MediaMatters.

You said it better than I did. And with examples no less!

It's Panem. Not the US. And from the author's description, quoted in Dodai's article, the races have mixed and mixed and mixed since our modern day. Certain remnants are there but the location/casting/etc. isn't aimed at depicting 2013.... it's a future different in many ways and it's unfortunate to see the casting

I made a similar theory below. The guy's good on Grey's but just there is a casting director's thought of "TV actor, not film." But again. Jesse Williams is more of a symbol for an actor of color.

I'm going to sleep now so i don't want you to think I'm ignoring your question. I'm refreshing my memory of his character through wikis, etc. to be able to give the best answer.

I'm not saying that the actor is eye candy. In fact, one of my suspicions early on was that Williams might not've had the chops for it in addition to contractual obligations. But again, Williams= [insert attractive POC her].

Kinja just made my reply vanish.

Heard the same thing but there's also a much bigger influx of Indian and East Asians there than the US. (Statistics on that are taken right out of my ass)

And yes, film has gotten lazy but that makes it EVEN MORE FRUSTRATING that they didn't branch out with the casting. The movie wouldn't be putting all their money on the casting but it still would make a difference AND a difference in the portrayal of Panem.