
I just thought Siamese cats were evil. More evil than regular cats.

And even that isn't as pure as Ron Paul would like.

I'm not one to bemoan PBS's treatment of their bona fide hit, but it appears to be a PBS choice:

I remember (back in ye olde 1997) moving to New York for the first time and being shocked, SHOCKED I TELL YOU about the high price of $4.00 a pack. I brought a carton back from Montana with me to avoid the "high price" for a few weeks.

Sounds like somebody has a crappy first name.

Limbaugh defenders to the right, please. Blog-bashing know-it-alls to the left. Reasoned people? Why are you reading an article on talk radio to begin with? FLEE!

Yeah! Stop mentioning stories about talk radio! They're so many out there to begin with!

OMG, the 2000s called and want their talking point about Air America back.

This is the better argument for Nan being the Supreme.

It's similar to Barry Goldwater's line re: gays in military, "I don't care if they are straight as long as they can shoot straight."


Mocking and mocking by exaggeration and showing that they're ridiculous by carrying them out to a "logical" conclusion. It also seems more real haunted house-like as the Hell Houses have more "real-life" situations of Youth Group Horror.

I feel like saying "a swarm of Jessica's moved through the country"

I feel like saying "a swarm of Jessica's moved through the country"

Don't forget that depression is characterized by staring out of rainy windows all the time or by oval shaped sad sacks.

Don't forget that depression is characterized by staring out of rainy windows all the time or by oval shaped sad sacks.

Don't forget that depression is characterized by staring out of rainy windows all the time or by oval shaped sad sacks.

For Christ's sake, can we just have an article on how someone took an unexpected event and made it into a big positive in their life? It doesn't have to represent the END ALL AND BE ALL of every pregnancy situation. It's not advocating "GET KNOCKED UP TO FIGURE YOURSELF OUT!" to everyone out there.