
I agree re: Robin Thicke (in the skull and lean in the pride department). I just came out of a relationship and when I even text my ex I feel total shame. Never mind this album that's going to exist in perpetuity *please note: I am aware that texts can live on forever as well, 'cept I suspect the ex deletes them

I would prefer he distract me with his dong.

This made me physically ill.

Fuck both Paris Hilton and Justin Bieber. They're both just terrible.


Actually ladies, it would appear as though she is referring to the guy I just broke up with....although I'm confused because he never mentioned being with Jennifer Esposito and that would be JUST the thing he would brag about while pretending to be all "Whatever. Oh are you on fire? Hose is over there."

I don't like feeling feelings. And seeing this and have it be LEA MICHELE that makes me feels feelings makes it doubly painful.

I completely agree with you. She is a total fucking joke, no doubt. But until I started dating my love, who is black, racism existed in an "outside" way. And when him and I walk down the street holding hands and people give us dirty looks, it becomes much more personal. Not more or less awful, just personal. When we

I hug people for free all the time. And I am way more popular than Avril fucking Levigne.

Oh look! Jennifer Aniston ate a sandwich!

Ri ri needs to put her tits away. Now they're just boring.

This is some creepy fucked up shit.

Proof positive that smoking, suntanning and poppin', lockin' and droppin' is how we will all live forever.

I was way too cool in high school to do something this lame.

Every time I (voraciously) watch this show I think nothing can get better than Julia/Selina's face - and then she opens her mouth. Amazing. And the little girl from "My Girl"?? Who would have thought!? All around awesome.

Cocaine. It does a body good.

Everything about him gives me a woman boner.

That's almost as hilarious as all the people who don't know you're being hilarious.


This is absolutely fucking hilarious.