
I don't understand the American tipping culture thing, so this whole article has me confused. In London the service charge is usually worked out for you and put at the end of the bill so if you tip more its a bonus, and many places don't expect you to tip anyway. To me it just seems really rude that you would pull a

How about... we have a commercial where the size 14 woman casually walks out to her neighborhood pool, followed by her size 2, size 8, and size 18 friends, all wearing various swimwear of their choice, in front of a group of dudes.

These campaigns always crack me up. Hey, everybody, we are going to put one - just one, we don't want to do anything too crazy - hot, young, average-sized woman in our magazine to show how we are totally open-minded and inclusive of all body types and all forms of beauty. We are saints!

To be fair, everyone in the world rushes to judgment, except for Pete Carroll, who passes to judgment, and is usually intercepted.