
So to upgrade a corvette to a Cadillac, they give it the cooling systems it needed in the first place. Now if only they upgraded the interior to something less surface deep. They look really nice, spit shined fresh from the dealer, but own one for a few years. They aren’t the same as a real luxury car still, and that

Still, a dollar for dollar comparison is interesting. Obviously the money goes different places- but you have 30seconds of annoying crap and people are willing to pay as more for that then 30seconds that will get used every episode for the sort of content that advertisers want to be injected in.

Weekly roll out- it’s like the rest of the content community is just like “netflix- why you so dumb with your good content?”
Binge watching don’t pay the bills, repeat (ab)use is what turns profit.

I really like how they took those sweeping bold curves from the front end of the concept car, and wiped their ass with them before firing the designer. The final product looks like a 240 in the same way a PT Cruiser looks like something from the 50's. Slightly puffier, slightly curvier, way less interesting or

“Great question, which I didn’t even begin to read”

So you’re willing to drive it on a dirt track, but driving on paved roadways to get there is too rude for a posh posh McL?
Or wait, getting it off the sleazy as fuck trailer was harder than hauling it on said sleazy ass trailer? (buy a real vehicle hauler in that case, I’d be worried about speed wobbles with that setup

tldr; pretty much all dealerships are slime because they add no value to the product and pull a profit in doing so. This example is even worse than regular.
I don’t understand the independent dealership model at all- if I ran a major car company, I would treat the customer handoff as the MOST crucial aspect of the

I thought it was RoB, return on bankruptcy. Which is also how his businesses have maintained his wealth- robbing the average US citizen with each of his bankruptcies, aka “you know what, never mind I’m not gonna pay for it after all”, “but I will continue to turn a personal profit on the goods and services I won’t pay

Which is the most pedantic interpretation ever. I’d say the spirit of the rules would suggest that penalty is for a player who has gone out of bounds and then effects play- but of course they’ve lawyered themselves into a corner.

This car is my favorite VW ever, and that will never be changed. It has a flair of Italian, or something; maybe just call it stylistic huevos. A modern VW will never be this exciting to behold because they’ve statistically calculated that a reserved style will sell 10.572% better, and that removing “neon green” from

Are you here all week? Can you see yourself out?

The problem if I bought this is I could never afford enough cocaine to fill up. And what’s the point of a car that just sits in the garage

(seriously.. I’m pretty sure this doesn’t use gas, and you’re supposed to lay a trail of cocaine in front of this car’s nose, look at it!)

My god, that pole looks nothing like a person. What is he doing?

Jawker, pronounced “yawker” of course

A black man can shoot another black man from racist motivations. It’s sad, but that doesn’t exempt the motivation from being racially charged.

In other news, “Yahoo- It still exists”

To be honest it seems characterless- he’s yanking the steering wheel around stomping on the pedals, and as he complains “there’s something holding it all together”, “even though we’ve turned DSC off”.
It’s setting a good lap, don’t get me wrong, but seeing him saw the steering wheel around like that, it just seems the

But I am a huge fan of that new twin-turbo MacL:

Everything makes sense except for scale. I don’t think McL has ever reached commodity car production rates. There would need to be a massive factory built specially for this purpose. I see a business partnership as highly more likely, especially given McL’s rapid appreciation lately making them overvalued as an

“Person uses technology older than electricity to generate electricity, is applauded as mastermind by naive car enthusiast”
Seriously. Mastermind? He used a watermill to turn an alternator.. He literally used two existing technologies in their original use case. (An alternator is no different from an early electric