They did have a tendency of melting themselves down for the next casting as a part of delivering it.. but yeah- quali trim was stupid back then
They did have a tendency of melting themselves down for the next casting as a part of delivering it.. but yeah- quali trim was stupid back then
I’ve got an idea- junior support series!
Somehow a certain sextape and lawsuit comes to mind when I think of the ex-owners’ (and Jalopnik’s current) ethics standards. But hey, clicks! Amirite?
never has the name “deadspin” been more fitting
Not ALL the body panels. Just most ;)
It’s not every year either, it’s every year or 15k miles, whichever comes last (because bolts don’t loosen themselves out from sitting around- it’s the vibbbbrations of driving that get them all loosey goosey)
who wants to spell the name right either
For all that’s been said- I’ve only paid for brake pads and oil changes. A lot of brake pads, but that’s more driving style induced
you know more than the people who made the car.. impressive
to be fair, they are measuring a quantity of VIN’s.. so perhaps it IS a number of VINs or a VIN number/count?
For those who think “meh, whats this” try what this guy does with similar cars:
5x more, a small pickup truck. Let’s face it, if you’re “learning stick”, you’re driving something else. Trucks are hard to break (relatively), cheap to fix (again), and therefore great for “learning” with. Also, they have low gearing and low power, so you end up shifting 2x more than a comfy car would require.
So basically a slightly taller version of my ‘74 ford courier? I approve
Perhaps the chinese opinion on an international matter has more weight than you give it credit for? We’re not the only nation on this planet...
I’m not sure where you derive the incompetence claim from, unless that’s your own conclusion from the quote:
That said, the ugly design of the Prius was all about Coefficient of Drag. There’s no way that i3 is streamlined.. it’s just too boxy-ridiculous to defend that claim. The prius, looks streamlined, even if at the cost of all style.
Where did doctor evil even find those shades, this side of the 1970's?
really though, you’re saying that he should’ve called ahead to look at a floor model, while claiming you don’t support the dealership’s treatment. It’s a floor model, and that staff does nothing but waste their time all day waiting for rich people. The least they could do, is actually appear to be factually informed…
Evos are cool and all, but they’re CHEAP fast. If you’re gonna spend 100k get proper fast.
It’s a bike that is too crazy for anyone with money, with a price tag that requires a lot of money. They’ll be out of business in less than 5 years
do you work for them? that was a wank piece, where they cry about how hard it is to drive fast on salt while showing glamour pics of an ugly bike.
I’d like to see a time slip