
@photophile: It's actually French for "really expesive precision inkjet", but inkjet, nonetheless.

Relax. We'll just end up buying it from the same friendly folks who supply our cocaine and opiates. Once they see the demand, and once the profit margin is high enough, they'll see the opportunity and resolve the shortage.

@orthorim: Well, in this case, it was more like WTFV :-) The captions, however, seem to have been translated, thus the uncertainty...

The "radiators" are the 60,000 individual antennas in *each of four* phased arrays. I have no idea where the 10,000 iron valves come in...maybe to direct cooling water flow? Or maybe it's another Renglish translation of valve=electron tube.

My favorite movie.

@thinkerer: I do digital as well, but I couldn't pass up the chance to own the cameras I'd drooled over when I was younger. Film's fun...I find myself working harder to compose shots and make the best possible use of the 24 exposures I have.

Since everyone's sharing their favorite UPS stories...UPS distribution center is less than 2 miles away from my house. So, they should know the area. I live on a "split" road...it has gate in the center, for some addresses, you need to come in one way, for some, the other way. Not a big deal, right? I mean, it should

@Sithishade: If the women don't find you handsome, they should at least find you handy.

@tater_salad: Not a bush; crack in the glass plate negative

@ps61318: The neighbors, or the neighbors' kids? I know as a 12 year old, I would have been all over that stuff, and loving it, until physically hauled off it.

I'm always impressed by the 60's NASA engineers, with their white shirts, black ties, pocket protectors and cigarettes. These guys managed to build something awesome, using only their engineering knowledge, and a few computers with half the power of your iPhone. Slide rules and late hours put men on the moon; not

@aylalogin: Nahhh, that's 'cause, if it hits, you have more momentum on your side to carry you through. At least, that's the way it works on Storrow Drive during move-in week here in Boston.

Here's a guy who's living his dream!

@lunarstudio: On the street color — just a guess, but I would say "cobblestones", which would make them light or dark grey. Nice notes on the picture.

@obnoxiosaurus: Good point. Implicit in my taking of a screwdriver to something I own, is my acknowledgment that the I accept full responsibility for any consequences. Lawyers (and, sadly, many other Americans) might not see it that way, but I would certainly consider any injury to the object or to myself to be the

I, too, disagree with hacking=disobedience.

Tripod, man! Get yersel' a tripod!

@blash: Absolutely nothing!

Never ascribe to malice, that which can be explained by crappy software.